Author Topic: Mule Trade It
Posts: 142
Registered: Apr 30, '09
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Subject: Mule Trade It
I've setup a Trade Bot using Mule Trade It. I have 5 Aetheria for sale, they all have the same name and value, how would a buy distinguish which one to check and or buy?


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Subject: Mule Trade It
AFAIK, they won't be able to select a specific Aetheria. When they do the 'add', the bot will randomly select one to place in the window.

I have had this problem in the past with Elysa's Favor rings (about 6 months ago). One day, a guy kept clearing and adding until he got the one he wanted. Unless it's been changed, there's not much you can do except maybe have buyers leave a message if they want a specific item.


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Posts: 142
Registered: Apr 30, '09
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User ID: 1,355,942
Subject: Mule Trade It
Thanks for your reply, I've tried quite a few things, none of which have been successful using mule trade it. If the buyer uses Bot Shopper, the selection and purchase of Aetheria is doable. One thing I've noticed with Mule Trade It, the Aetheria that lists first in the pricing tab is the one that is provided by the Bot when a buyer askes for a check and add. It seems to go in order of what is in the price tab, so I have been moving things around, trying to put what I think are the best ones on top.


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