Author Topic: NOOK Color
Title: Ask me. I might.
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Subject: NOOK Color
The only complaint that I've had about the Nook is the lack of color and having to use an external light.

Seems that one of those issues has been addressed...

"Stunning 7-inch color touchscreen
Magazines & newspapers in rich color
Kids' books come alive
Over 2 million titles at your fingertips
Get social, surf the web, play games, even listen to music"


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Subject: NOOK Color
The main problem with the Nook Color is it won't have an eInk display. It has an LCD (IPS) display.

The only reason I got my original Nook is because of eInk. If I wanted to read on an LCD display I'd just read on my computer or get a phone that can use the B&N or Amazon e-reader apps.

Also because of the LCD display it only has an advertised reading time of 8 hours. And considering the advertised vs actual reading time of the original Nook... that's not much reading time on the Nook Color.


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Subject: NOOK Color
I have absolutely no interest in this.

The entire point of an e-reader is the e-ink screen. That POS is just an extremely crappy tablet PC.


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Title: Ask me. I might.
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Subject: NOOK Color
Trust me, I love my Nook too.

However, with a some of the stuff I read (for example photography stuff), color is important for me.

Having this color display opens up a lot more stuff for me. Its not ideal (and tbh, I'll probably wait a bit before jumping on this bandwagon), but its a step in the right direction.


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Subject: NOOK Color
so it's a gimped 7 inch tablet? meh.


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Subject: NOOK Color
Shrugs, I would buy this for the simple fact that in the end it works similar to an Ipod Touch and since I dislike and don't support the overly priced Apple products, would fit in with many of the needs I would want out of that device.


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Subject: NOOK Color
JaconKin posted:
Shrugs, I would buy this for the simple fact that in the end it works similar to an Ipod Touch and since I dislike and don't support the overly priced Apple products, would fit in with many of the needs I would want out of that device.

Gayest response ever, specially since the Touch that you tout as overly priced, is $20 cheaper for same amount of memory.


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Subject: NOOK Color
-MrBean- posted:
JaconKin posted:
Shrugs, I would buy this for the simple fact that in the end it works similar to an Ipod Touch and since I dislike and don't support the overly priced Apple products, would fit in with many of the needs I would want out of that device.

Gayest response ever, specially since the Touch that you tout as overly priced, is $20 cheaper for same amount of memory.

Last time I had looked at the touches they were closer to 300 bucks. Not to mention my brother had one that failed on him, the touch screen locked up. The only way he can get it replaced or fixed is by taking it to an Apple Store, or most likely sending it to Apple. There are only two Apple stores the area.

In addition, I hate iTunes and having to be forced to use that to load up my brothers iPod. If there was some other way I could have loaded it up, I would have done so, but I didn't figure that way out. Basically I dislike everything associated with Apple and its propriety based devices. I would rather pay 20 bucks more than support Apple.


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Subject: NOOK Color
I wouldn't mind him. Blind fanboys (particularly Apple users) hate the idea that people see through that companies bull and have morals about who they give money too. However, if you want something to compete with the iCrap then just grab an Archos or pick up one of the Samsung or other tablets when they hit shelves. Sadly the point of an e-reader is the e-ink screen to give you power efficiency and a simulated paper page for ease of reading and elimination of eye strain issues that you only begin to notice when a lot of damage is already done. An e-reader with a color screen is really kind of pointless since it's just a tablet with reduced functionality, you might as well just get the tablet then.


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Subject: NOOK Color
Aye, well, with the nook color coming out, if I get the opportunity to get an ereader it would be for my mother anyway who has a bad right shoulder and holding a book at times anymore is painful, especially hardcovers. Hence, it wouldn't need all the bells and whistles and one of the regular nooks would work just as well.

The other part of the nook color and the reason it is basically 20 dollars more than an Ipod touch lies in the fact that it has an SD card reader, so you can actually expand upon the 8 gigs of initial memory. An option that is greatly appreciated. Figuring I don't have 250 dollars to waste on any thing particularly like this anyway, it is a moot point right now.


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Title: Knows Where People Go When They Jump
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Subject: NOOK Color
I got one and so far like it.

Yossarian_42 posted:
I have absolutely no interest in this.

The entire point of an e-reader is the e-ink screen. That POS is just an extremely crappy tablet PC.

What about newspapers and magazine that have photos, or kids books?


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Title: RUSH > ALL
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Subject: NOOK Color
My interest in newspapers and magazines on the Nook is parallel to my interest in this device.


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