Author Topic: Alinco3 looting 2handers.
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Subject: Alinco3 looting 2handers.
I thought I had it setup right, I based the damages alittle lower then the max so I still pick up some decent ones. But after 2 weeks, i havent picked up 1. I set MD/Attack to 10%, and lowered the values on damage. Still none. Can someone tell me how they have it setup to pick up 2handers?


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Subject: Alinco3 looting 2handers.
Someones gotta have working settings for 2 handers.


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Subject: Alinco3 looting 2handers.
I had this problem too. To fix it, I watched what was dropping and changed ALinco3 accordingly. I found that a LOT, probably MOST 2H weapons are ws8 or higher (well, for 400 and 420 wields), so I set max ws to 10. I also noticed that the mods on MOST 2H weapons make no sense. Some will have attack mod of 10 or more, but the md mod is like 6, then others will have md mod of 10+ and att mod of 6ish, so I set the minimums to 4 or 5(I'd have to log in to see). Then, as far as damage range is concerned, I think I've found only 2 or 3 'max' stats (per the list on the Wiki). Most seem to be 30,31,32 top end. And... the minimum damage is set low because of the ridiculous variances on some 2H weapons (I think I have mine set to 6 on the low end).

Anyway, I find a ton of 2H weapons (400 & 420) and Alinco3 will loot them. Then I have to double check the stats and throw back the crappier ones. I don't pick up anything lower than 400 wield, so it's not too time consuming.

Good luck happy

EDIT: This is from my xml. It looks stupid, but if you read it as one long sentence, left to right, you'll see the fields and their values.

<rule><appliesToFlag>524288</appliesToFlag><name>Two Handed</name><info /><enabled>true</enabled><maxburden>-1</maxburden><maxcraft>10</maxcraft><maxvalue>-1</maxvalue>< ;keywords /><tradebotonly>false</tradebotonly><tradebot>true</tradebot><wavfile>Rule1</wavfile><weapontype>twohande d</weapontype><weaponsubtype>41</weaponsubtype><minmcmodattackbonus>6</minmcmodattackbonus><minmeleebonus>10</m inmeleebonus><minmagicdbonus>-1</minmagicdbonus><damage><damagerange><enabled>true</enabled><minwield>-1& lt;/minwield><maxwield>420</maxwield><mindamage>6</mindamage><maxdamage>30</maxdamage></damagerange><d amagerange><enabled>true</enabled><minwield>-1</minwield><maxwield>400</maxwield><mindamage>6</mindama ge><maxdamage>30</maxdamage></damagerange><damagerange><enabled>false</enabled><minwield>-1</minwield& gt;<maxwield>-1</maxwield><mindamage>-1</mindamage><maxdamage>-1</maxdamage></damagerange><damagerange> ;<enabled>false</enabled><minwield>-1</minwield><maxwield>-1</maxwield><mindamage>-1</mindamage><ma xdamage>-1</maxdamage></damagerange></damage><damagetypeFlag>127</damagetypeFlag><minarmorlevel>-1</minarmor level><armorcoverageFlag>0</armorcoverageFlag><armortypeFlag>0</armortypeFlag><spellmatches>1</spellmatches>< ;spells /><Specificset /><anyset>false</anyset><ivoryable>false</ivoryable></rule>


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