Author Topic: Plugin that exports a trade list?
Title: Pirate in Pajamas
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Registered: Sep 3, '02
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Subject: Plugin that exports a trade list?
I remember there was a decal application that generated a trade list of all the items held on a character. I have a ton of epics and set epics I want to compile into a trade list and would really like to avoid individually id'ing each one and copy pasting the stats.

Is this plugin still available?

Does it identify epics and set pieces?



"only ppl who dont like me r ppl who r jelous of my vocabulary" _b0o
Who is the Drizzle?
The drizzle has bones made of lasers and
feet made of bones so therefore his feet are lasers.
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Subject: Plugin that exports a trade list?
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Title: Pirate in Pajamas
Posts: 9,478
Registered: Sep 3, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 8,996
User ID: 711,112
Subject: Plugin that exports a trade list?
Interesting, not the one I remember, but thanks. I'll check it out.


"only ppl who dont like me r ppl who r jelous of my vocabulary" _b0o
Who is the Drizzle?
The drizzle has bones made of lasers and
feet made of bones so therefore his feet are lasers.
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