Author Topic: Plug-in that tracks damage over time?
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Subject: Plug-in that tracks damage over time?
Is there a plug in that tracks damage over time?

I thought years ago there was, but can't seem to find anything.

Just coming back in October after a 6 year break, I don't believe everything on Wikia in regards to damage inflicted on monsters. That, and I have 2 weapon skills currently - UA and 2H, and various types of weapons (rends/AR/CS/CB), plus quest weapons, that I would like to test.

For example, I swear I do more damage on the Tremendous Monouga with 2H BloodSorch landing it's fire ring spells than if I was just to whack away with any type of frost weapon. Vulned, of course. As big as he is, it often lands on the same monster anywhere from 2-6 times.

If not, anyone that can program one come up with such a plug-in? happy

I'll drop ya a D note.. or a p!4tz!


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Subject: Plug-in that tracks damage over time?
Before ToD there was a plugin called CombatStats which would track your DoT.

I know it's not the same, but you could always make use of the poor target drudge in Ayan Baqur. happy


Logan Conrad -MT- 221st Level Combat Archer
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Subject: Plug-in that tracks damage over time?
Lifetank has that feature.


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Subject: Plug-in that tracks damage over time?
doesn't alicno 3 hud track either corpse/items or xp per kill/time and you decide which


Ag Nar
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