Author Topic: call it help
Title: Moderator
Dragon Wrangler

Posts: 13,256
Registered: Jun 19, '04
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Subject: call it help
allrighty so i got a virus on my computer going to the xbox live site(be wary) and had to re-format my computer. im now back in game and downloading all the same plug ins i had before but having issues with call it.

i can not find the quest file anywhere.

it used to be under c:documentsandfiles/allusers/gouruware

now all i see is the dll file that is now under c:programfiles/gouruware but no quest file where i can replace it with the one i saved. any help?

i know im not the only one who can not seem to find it as i have been chatting with a few on frostfell who just gave up. to me thats not an option because i use call it to help new people through colo and to me its not an option to get it working if i can.

any help is appreciated and it is all the same pluging i used before so im not sure whats going on at this pint =-/

help *begs*



~Proud Monarch to a bunch of unruly Dragons~
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Title: Moderator
Dragon Wrangler

Posts: 13,256
Registered: Jun 19, '04
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Real Post Cnt: 12,912
User ID: 935,853
Subject: call it help
i think i figured it out. lol thanks


~Proud Monarch to a bunch of unruly Dragons~
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