Author Topic: CraftBot
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Subject: CraftBot
Any chance anyone is working on updating craftbot? It broke when gearcrafting was introduced.


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Subject: CraftBot
ask yew wan sum, he was taking it over.


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Subject: CraftBot
I sent him a message when the bot first broke after the patch in October.


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Subject: CraftBot
what is the exact issue? is there anthing in the error log?


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Subject: CraftBot
It has been so long ago I do not remember and I have long since removed the files from my computer.


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Subject: CraftBot
Craftbot loaded up when I enabled it, complained I didn't set a wand to buff with etc, unequipped worn gear,etc, the base of it (the core?)appears to be working.
I was NOT able to do full testing as yet as I've never setup the xml for the gear and spells on this system, the system I used for my tinkerbot went down and I've never gotten to replacing it. Since I do not intend to run the bot here unless there is a compelling reason to me, I don't plan on spending the time on it atm. No, the old Xml will not work, it was done *Before* Turbines Guid 'Refresh' a while back.


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Subject: CraftBot
I sent my conf files to Yew to check over and I redid all of the GUID'S. I found a backup of my old files and this is what was in the error log.

10/27/2009 11:04:21 PM
Error: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
Source: CraftBot
Stack: at CraftBot.PluginCore.parseEquipData(String filename)

I found this in another error.log. I tried to get it working several times, so I am not sure which I got first.

10/27/2009 7:34:48 AM
Error: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
Source: Decal.Interop.Core
Stack: at Decal.Interop.Core.ACHooksClass.get_HeadingDegrees()
at Decal.Adapter.Wrappers.HooksWrapper.get_Heading()
at CraftBot.PluginCore.ab(Object A_0, CheckBoxChangeEventArgs A_1)


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Subject: CraftBot
Sounds like it may be a problem with your setup as there are bots working on MT. Without more details, I can't really help. If you're on Vista/7 make sure your files are not under the Program Files directory.


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Subject: CraftBot
Are they using your files or the one that portalspace put out? The one portal space put out did work but there were viruses in the files. Also, Rydia on MT doesn't use craftbot. She uses an ACTool script.


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Subject: CraftBot
It was using my files that were the same as what was installed on the other machine, I do not and have not trusted Ps, Mr potential virus and definite rip-off artist based files.
So these were downloaded after the last authorized release etc.

One thing to consider, does your toon *HAVE* GC? that may make a difference, mine has the skill, capped and spec even.
It started up and appeared to run normally within the conditions I mentioned in my last post.

Opps, I missed some replies, lol I should read closer.

Oh, also Magic Goddess is running normally in MP of Frostfell as well, MG is a open to public tinkerbot.


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Subject: CraftBot
Saloben_ign posted:
10/27/2009 7:34:48 AM
Error: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
Source: Decal.Interop.Core
Stack: at Decal.Interop.Core.ACHooksClass.get_HeadingDegrees()
at Decal.Adapter.Wrappers.HooksWrapper.get_Heading()
at CraftBot.PluginCore.ab(Object A_0, CheckBoxChangeEventArgs A_1)

I doubt this is the problem. It appears to be a bug in Decal which I have also encountered with my plugins...something which goes away after awhile.


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Subject: CraftBot
Saloben_ign posted:
Are they using your files or the one that portalspace put out? The one portal space put out did work but there were viruses in the files. Also, Rydia on MT doesn't use craftbot. She uses an ACTool script.

I know who uses my bot on MT, thanks. As for portal space, no idea. Did he change the version #?


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Subject: CraftBot
Maglett_of_FF posted:
One thing to consider, does your toon *HAVE* GC? that may make a difference, mine has the skill, capped and spec even.
It started up and appeared to run normally within the conditions I mentioned in my last post.

That's a good point. I don't think it should matter (except for skill checks), but it's possible it could break something.


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Subject: CraftBot
Thanks All. I will give it a try again. I didn't see anything wrong in my conf files, but I guess there must be something.


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Subject: CraftBot
Does it support GC? I do not see that as an option.


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Subject: CraftBot
If you have GC and added files to the recipes it "should" work, but the success rates will be incorrect. But at this point I really dont have the time to do a thorough investigation myself and fix any major issues.


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Subject: CraftBot
I tried to setup the bot again using craftbot, but got a message saying that the buffwand could not be found. I have verified three times that the IID i get in game is what I put in the xml file. I will post the entire file below.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Change these values based on your primary and seconary portal spells and destinations.
If you do not want to use primary or secondary portals, please set the spell ID to -1.

Format: ID: Name

157: Summon Primary Portal 1
158: Summon Primary Portal 2
1637: Summon Primary Portal 3

2648: Summon Secondary Portal 1
2649: Summon Secondary Portal 2
2650: Summon Secondary Portal 3


<primaryportal spellid="157" destination="commented out" />
<secondaryportal spellid="2648" destination="Coloseum" />

<!-- Change these values based on how long your spells last. Time is in minutes. bufftime is decreased by 5 minutes to allow time for rebuffing. This does not affect
beer or rare times. -->

<bufftime value="60" />
<beertime value="30" />
<raretime value="15" />

<!-- Change the below two values to the spell ID for revitialization and Stamina to Mana, respectively.

Format: ID: Name

2083: Robustification
2345: Meditative Trance

<restam id="2083" />
<manaspell id="2345" />

<!-- Change the below to the minimum stamina and mana values to keep while buffing. -->
<minstam val="300" />
<minmana val="100" />

<!-- Change the value to the IID of the wand you want to use to buff. -->

<buffwand value="2136919067" />

<!-- Add spell IDs below in the order that you want them cast. You MUST use the format:

<spell id="IDNumber" />

Below are some common spells for reference. To obtain more spell IDs, type /cb getspelllist

The spells will be in spells.txt in your installation directory

Format: ID: Name

2059: Honed Control
2061: Perseverance
2067: Inner Calm
2087: Might of the Lugians
2091: Mind Blossom
2191: Silencia's Blessing
2195: Aliester's Blessing
2197: Jibril's Blessing
2211: Morimoto's Blessing
2215: Adja's Blessing
2237: Lilitha's Blessing
2251: Yoshi's Blessing
2271: Oswald's Blessing
2277: Celdiseth's Blessing
2287: Nuhmudira's Blessing
2325: Koga's Blessing

<spell id="2059" />
<spell id="2061" />
<spell id="2067" />
<spell id="2087" />
<spell id="2091" />
<spell id="2191" />
<spell id="2195" />
<spell id="2197" />
<spell id="2211" />
<spell id="2215" />
<spell id="2237" />
<spell id="2251" />
<spell id="2271" />
<spell id="2277" />
<spell id="2287" />
<spell id="2325" />

<!-- If you would like to use a buff bot, configure the below section. If the bot is not online, you will not be buffed. You can add as many command lines as you need. -->
<command botname="buffbotname" profile="buffbotprofile" />


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Subject: CraftBot
one thing to ALWAYS try in that situation is delete the wand number and re-enter.

TIS very easy to get a control type(non visible) char in the mix and then while it appears visually to be the same ID number as the wand, it truely ISNT.


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Subject: CraftBot
I tried two different wands.


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Subject: CraftBot
The bot will not equip a wand, armor, or buff itself. It will tink and make items though. Is it possible I am missing something that is required? The website is long gone and I can not find anything in the files.


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Subject: CraftBot
Have you gotten the GUID's of the relevant items you want equipped? (I may have missed some new replies, will check after I post this).

You'll need the Guid (graphic user Identification number or some such) that Turbine's client has assigned to the item in THIER server server side database, this is the number the client uses to tell the server what it is trying to do to which item. Decal can use this number as well. You will need to extract the guid's for your caster (wand) at a minium and add it to the craftbot XML file, also any armor jewelry etc you wish equipped will require you get have gotter thier guid's also.

From memory you get the Guid by loading your character in with decal and craftbot running, I'd suggest starting a logfile so it's easier to get the Guid's into your XML later. Then select the itme you want ID'd and type /cb iid (or was it cbiid?). Craftbot will then query the servery and get the Guid and dispaly it to your chat window. Because it's decal sending the chat there, OTHER decal plug-in cannot see what's going there so plug-ins like LogQiz (LOVE IT!) do not capture the output BUT a client logfile WILL do so. Do the /cb iid for each and every item you want to add to your XMl file.

Once you have the Guid's for the items you want to add, edit your xml file adding them to the section meant for the particular item. After you edit the xml you will need to restart any clients you have going and possibly decal for the changes to be available for use.

Edit, Yep missed some posts lol.

Umm tho, where's the - in front of the guid # every, and I mean *EVERY* Guid I have had has been a guid of -2134545899 type number, that Minus sign screwed me over a couple times when it was missing when I setup my bot.....
So, are you missing a "-" in front of your guid for the caster?


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Subject: CraftBot
Oh a google found this link

Might be handy.


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Subject: CraftBot
you have to put the - in front of every Guid? argh! That should fix my problem.

Thnx happy


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Subject: CraftBot
Yep, required for each Guid.

Hope that's it and fixes your issues.

I literally cut and paste from my logfile usually, tho you may notice many of your items have sequencal numbers.....


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Subject: CraftBot
I'm waiting for a simple GUI tool for craftbotting...but I don't think I'm gonna get that.


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Subject: CraftBot
I'm just waiting for any craftbot. I do not trust the one from portalspace and Yew has not responded to anything about this since he took over craftbot from paraduck.


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