Author Topic: Norway UFO, Missile, or That Large Hadron Collider Machine?
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Subject: Norway UFO, Missile, or That Large Hadron Collider Machine?

Odd that earlier today they broke a record and made a big announcement:

Then you get this 'black hole' looking thing over Norway. It's been on all our local channels here, and my sister (being the conspiracy nut) went to Walmart to get some canned food in case some black hole opens up... I think... stupid.

heres a spooky video of it:

Russian news video:

Weird pictures with a gay theme song:

So... scary...

I think if it was a black hole we'd be dead like within seconds or something.. maybe it's a time portal! Maybe John Titor returned!!!


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Subject: Norway UFO, Missile, or That Large Hadron Collider Machine?
if it was a black hole, there's two things I'd have to say about it.

1) We wouldn't be able to see it, remember, black holes are so powerful light cannot escape it, and last I checked, people can't view x-rays
2) We'd have been dead before we realized it was there, let alone something being horrifically wrong.

I saw video of it last night, very cool looking, and the creepy collapsing effect as the rocket fuel was spent... that was very cool.


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Subject: Norway UFO, Missile, or That Large Hadron Collider Machine?



Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling.
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Subject: Norway UFO, Missile, or That Large Hadron Collider Machine?

just a rocket, above is your explanation


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Subject: Norway UFO, Missile, or That Large Hadron Collider Machine?
So the Russians said it wasn't a rocket, and that they did not fire any test rockets at that time - but on our news, it was Russian missile?

... eh. I call cover up!!

Also a lot of earlier reports said it was in the air for about 25 minutes... yet most of those videos on youtube are gone, and it just shows the ending result and one saying 'about 2 minutes the effect lasted?'



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Subject: Norway UFO, Missile, or That Large Hadron Collider Machine?
And then there is all this business with Tiger Woods to distract us.


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Subject: Norway UFO, Missile, or That Large Hadron Collider Machine?
Turric, your sig sounds like a man/man encounter request.


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Subject: Norway UFO, Missile, or That Large Hadron Collider Machine?
Bend over and I will show you! shock


Who wants to play glow in the dark boner tag?
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Subject: Norway UFO, Missile, or That Large Hadron Collider Machine?
That's hide the sausage. Your sig suggests peeter sword fighting.


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They're such interesting, fascinating individuals, yet they're so incredibly abused"
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