Author Topic: Please help me make a list of things that makes LTX crash
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Registered: Oct 12, '09
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Subject: Please help me make a list of things that makes LTX crash
I am looking to make a list of things that have made your LTX crash in the past to help figure out what the problem is faster to fix it. Also list the version you use.

I use LTX 11.9.9, here are some of the things that have made me crash

Unfriendly player detect
Not running windows compatibility XP SP2

Recently I have been crashing a lot in Egg Orchard but ONLY in Egg room. I run 3-4 characters in there at a time and the characters not in Egg room don't crash. Not sure the cause of this but I know others that have this problem also.


Frostfell: Slammin' Cleon Salmon- 263 archer
You say farm - 275 mage
When I say hillshire - 275 sword
Hefty-hefty-hefty- level 252 mage
Ripped Harvestgain - level 275 mage
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Posts: 7,595
Registered: Oct 10, '00
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Subject: Please help me make a list of things that makes LTX crash
installing it?


Ag Nar
Portal Mule Master of the Loresraat
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