Author Topic: Boobies!
Title: Smells like Hotdogs and Tastes like Bacon
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Subject: Boobies!
Now that I have your attention tongue , I am still having unresolved issues on this thread:

even just an acknowledgment that someone very informed looked at it but had no solution would still be appreciated!

(Sorry to those really expecting to see boobies.)


(Hotdogs * Bacon)^CLiKKâ„¢ cool = love
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Subject: Boobies!
Ok, to spare too much disappointment, here are some boobies for your amusement:


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Subject: Boobies!
I tried to get ltx running with Win7 x64 and was unsuccessful. Since then, I've moved to vtank, and it runs great..


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Subject: Boobies!
if you check the first thread, the poster had both LTx and Vtank installed.

WHAT i did catch was that s/he has alicno3 installed, and the developer's web page clearly states that .NET 3.5 must be installed (which isn't, and NO having .NET 1 and 2 installed isn't sufficent you need hte .NET the progam was built against, in this case 3.5).


Ag Nar
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Title: Smells like Hotdogs and Tastes like Bacon
Posts: 15,046
Registered: Jun 23, '03
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Real Post Cnt: 14,756
User ID: 814,942
Subject: Boobies!
agnari posted:
if you check the first thread, the poster had both LTx and Vtank installed.

WHAT i did catch was that s/he has alicno3 installed, and the developer's web page clearly states that .NET 3.5 must be installed (which isn't, and NO having .NET 1 and 2 installed isn't sufficent you need hte .NET the progam was built against, in this case 3.5).

Actually, I do/did have Net 3.5 SP 1 installed because I had read the directions on the author's page. The export doesn't show it for some reason. I'm not the only person with this issue and is stuck at this same point.


(Hotdogs * Bacon)^CLiKKâ„¢ cool = love
Cutcha Guy, Prevan Duckbuttersun - FF and SC
Robin Sparkles, Barney Stinson - FF
Cutcha, you win with the greatest thread of teh day. - _KidKodiak
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