Author Topic: Good series to check out if you liked Dresden Files or The Hollows
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Subject: Good series to check out if you liked Dresden Files or The Hollows
Cal Leandros series by Rob Thurman, book 1 is titled Nightlife.

It didn't hook me quite as hard as the other two series but it was a good urban fantasy read. Four books in the series so far i think.


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Subject: Good series to check out if you liked Dresden Files or The Hollows
I am a bigoted urban fantasy reader, I only read female characters from female authors.

Perhaps it is time for me to give the men a chance.


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Subject: Good series to check out if you liked Dresden Files or The Hollows
so... you don't read dresden? shock wtf is wrong with you man!


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Subject: Good series to check out if you liked Dresden Files or The Hollows
Dresden is the exception, but I don't count it because I read Dresden ages ago before I knew what urban fantasy was.


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Title: Board Manager
Anime Aikousha

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Subject: Good series to check out if you liked Dresden Files or The Hollows
Yossarian_42 posted:
I am a bigoted urban fantasy reader, I only read female characters from female authors.

Perhaps it is time for me to give the men a chance.

if it helps rob thurman is the pen name for ROBIN thurman wink


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Subject: Good series to check out if you liked Dresden Files or The Hollows
So it is like a bigotry wading pool.



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Title: Board Manager
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Subject: Good series to check out if you liked Dresden Files or The Hollows
anyone else try these yet?


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Subject: Good series to check out if you liked Dresden Files or The Hollows
I bought the first book but I'm still a ways away from reading it. Perhaps I will slide it in after I finish this Jim Butcher series.


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Title: Now With Extra Baldness
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Subject: Good series to check out if you liked Dresden Files or The Hollows
Just added it to my Library Queue since I have nothing to currently read.


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Subject: Good series to check out if you liked Dresden Files or The Hollows
I just finished book one and I have mixed feelings about it.

On the whole it was good and I'm going to read the others but it had a couple flaws that kept me from really liking it. The author didn't do a very good job investing me in the characters, honestly I could give a damn about them or what happens to them. That belies another problem I have with her writing, it was a little slow and ponderous, too introspective on the character's part. Slow developing plots with a lot of time spent on the characters works if you really like the character, but like I said, these characters didn't grab me. I'd go so far as to say I felt like the characters were caricatures of real characters- they had no soul or identity. Character doppelgangers.

This is the authors first book and I've read some pretty heinous first books that turned in to great series and this book was more than good enough to warrant me reading the rest of the series. Really I'm looking for one of two things from the author to make them noteworthy- learn to make me care about the characters or improve the plotting and pacing of the books. She isn't a fan of the classic 'late in and early out' maxim for writing a scene.


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Title: Now With Extra Baldness
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Subject: Good series to check out if you liked Dresden Files or The Hollows
I too just finished it and honestly, had to force myself to finish it.

As Yoss said, I really didn't have a care what the hell happened to the characters. And then to top it off, It was almost like she had a mythological and folklore book open and she thought, "Hmm.... just how many different ancient creatures can I fit into one modern day setting book."

I mean really, yet another one?

Another thing I didn't care for too much about her writing, was she was like a brand new superhero looking for a catchphrase. It was so heavily sodden with similes, metaphors, and sayings that those alone could have taken up half the words in the book.

I don't think I will be carrying on with the series. It wasn't all bad, just not compelling enough for me to go on.


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Subject: Good series to check out if you liked Dresden Files or The Hollows
I just finished book two, the similes, metaphors and sayings were taken even further. I almost put the book down in the first thirty pages from the heinous use of language. They aren't even mildly clever.

On the whole the book was much better, she even managed to make me care a bit about the secondary characters. Unfortunately the obnoxiously brooding main character is so over-done, cliche and uninteresting in his incessant whining that I would rather he die than I have to read another book of it.

I was expecting some actual character growth from the end of the book and something new and interesting in the next book but the author pissed all over that, preserved the status quo and actually back-tracked in some regards. I checked out book three and confirmed my fears, either she is dragging it out indefinitely or she really intends him to be the same twat for the entire series.


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Anime Aikousha

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Subject: Good series to check out if you liked Dresden Files or The Hollows
yeah. i'm enjoying the series still but its just something to read. it doesn't come close to the dresden files in quality. some books you just read cause you need something to read lol.


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Subject: Good series to check out if you liked Dresden Files or The Hollows
Can you answer a question for me, does she ever re-open the relationship between Cal and Georgiana? I will keep reading if she develops the character in that direction but the end of book two just left a really sour taste in my mouth. Building it up the entire book then preserving the status quo.


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Title: Board Manager
Anime Aikousha

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Subject: Good series to check out if you liked Dresden Files or The Hollows
i'm a bit annoyed over that as well. as of the last book she has not. if the next book doesn't move the story somewhere it will be the last one i read in the series i think.


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