Author Topic: Spell ID?
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Subject: Spell ID?
How do you get a spell ID?


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Subject: Spell ID?
I exported a list of spell info. It contains all of the spells that were added before December 2006.
(it's easiest to read if you open it in a spreadsheet program like Excel)

If you need info about newer spells, you'll need to use a program that can read AC's data files - I'm not aware of which ones currently work and which don't.. maybe someone else can give you the name of one.

Decal has a component called SpellFilter that does that, but you'd need to write a plugin to use it. That's actually how I generated that list. You can try using the plugin I wrote, but I haven't looked at it in 3 years, so I'm not sure what its state is. To install it:
1. Download it to its own folder (e.g. C:\Games\Decal Plugins\SpellsToFile\):
2. In Decal, click Add, then Browse... and find the SpellsToFile.dll
3. Log in once, then log out and uncheck the plugin in Decal.
4. Find the spells.csv file in the folder where you put SpellsToFile.dll.


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Subject: Spell ID?
Very cool man. That was a lot more information than I expected. Thank you very much


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Subject: Spell ID?
I think that craftbot can do it, with one of it's commands, but I can't remember what the command is, and I'm too lazy to log in my craft bot on the other pc. wink


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Subject: Spell ID?
If you use BuffMe plugin and look at the profile xml you probably can get the GUID also. Note this is for items not spells, I think the spells are different per plugin? (IDK)


<Spell SpellID="4466" Target="Self" Name="Incantation of Cold Protection Self" GUID="3d8e7a52-8a20-4a21-8c5f-76986094ca52" />


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Subject: Spell ID?
I *KNOW* craftbot can do it, I just don't have it installed on this system, the method IS in the either the help files or the XML you edit to get it going, forget.


Edits are for spelling :^)
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Subject: Spell ID?
IIRC, it's /cb getspellslist. RareTracker also has the same command, except cb -&gt; rt


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Subject: Spell ID?
thanks a bunch


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