Author Topic: Bake up some Legos....
Title: Primum non nocere
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Subject: Bake up some Legos....;txt



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Subject: Bake up some Legos....
ok thats pretty darn neat


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Title: Fuzzy Caterpillar of Friendliness
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Subject: Bake up some Legos....


But ... it kinda encourages eating legos. happy


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Subject: Bake up some Legos....
That's pretty cool!!!

They make gummy worms too, and I don't think my son ever ate worms. sick


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Title: Primum non nocere
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Subject: Bake up some Legos....
Ah-Schoo posted:


But ... it kinda encourages eating legos. happy

Good point. But I imagine they're targeting the kids you'd be giving Lego to in the first place. Presumably they're old enough to know not to eat it. Definitely not for the "Mega Block" or under crowd... wink


"You can only be young once. But you can always be immature. " Dave Barry
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Title: amateur zookeeper
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Subject: Bake up some Legos....
Ah-Schoo posted:
But ... it kinda encourages eating legos. happy
Heh, good point! However I'd be a lot less worried about my kids trying to eat legos than down a whole bottle of gummy vitamins.


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Title: Fuzzy Caterpillar of Friendliness
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Subject: Bake up some Legos....

Just saw an ad tonight for the gummy vitamins. plain

I'm glad he loves food so we don't need to do vitamins for him.


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Subject: Bake up some Legos....
why can't you take a vitamin and eat food too?

My family does, and we didn't grow new apendiges or naything that looks alien. grin


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Title: Wild Blu Yonder
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Subject: Bake up some Legos....
pkhere posted:
why can't you take a vitamin and eat food too?

My family does, and we didn't grow new apendiges or naything that looks alien. grin

Zoe only gets a vitamin on days she hasn't eaten well overall. My pediatrician told me to do this because it's very easy for children to get an overdose of iron.


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Title: amateur zookeeper
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Subject: Bake up some Legos....
pkhere posted:
why can't you take a vitamin and eat food too?

My family does, and we didn't grow new apendiges or naything that looks alien. grin

Same here. Gabi gets a multivitamin every morning, and Sofia gets a single chewy omega-3 the pediatrician said to try for her really dry skin. Doesn't hurt her brain function (supposedly) either.


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Title: Fuzzy Caterpillar of Friendliness
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Subject: Bake up some Legos....
If you are healthy and eat a balanced diet then vitiman supplements are unnecessary. The human body is designed to get vitamins from food, not a little compressed pill of concentrated stuff. A lot of that is just passing through unprocessed, and several of them can lead to overdose issues (like iron as mentioned.)

My kid likes fruit and veggies and rarely gets any kind of junk. He's 3.5 and has had a minor cold and one ear infection and that's it.


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Title: amateur zookeeper
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Subject: Bake up some Legos....
Ah-Schoo posted:
If you are healthy and eat a balanced diet then vitiman supplements are unnecessary. The human body is designed to get vitamins from food, not a little compressed pill of concentrated stuff. A lot of that is just passing through unprocessed, and several of them can lead to overdose issues (like iron as mentioned.)

My kid likes fruit and veggies and rarely gets any kind of junk. He's 3.5 and has had a minor cold and one ear infection and that's it.

Sure that's not my kid? Except she's 4.5 now. happy


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