Author Topic: Another lifetank question - archer randomly stopped attacking.
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Subject: Another lifetank question - archer randomly stopped attacking.
Nothing changed at all between setups. I shut down my game and then came back a few hours later. I fired up Lifetank only to discover that it doesn't attack. My character will buff, heal, go into combat mode and select monsters but he won't actually shoot them.

Is there anything I should do to troubleshoot?


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Posts: 99
Registered: Oct 28, '08
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Subject: Another lifetank question - archer randomly stopped attacking.
If your toon is doing all of that, then you don't have it accidentally paused.. that's out...

I would suggest checking the range under Macro -> Settings -> Archer -> Attack Radius

Make sure it is greater than 0 (a lot of people don't know you can use 0, and the effect is to do exactly what yours is doing - do not attack under any circumstances)

If it is > 0, then make sure it is also >= the actual mob range. You can change it in real-time and it will immediately respond. I forget what radar range correlates to attack radius, but I think it's around 13, so if u put 13 in AR, it should attack anything you can see on radar.


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