Author Topic: Are there plans for the kind and generious author of AC+ to update it so it will cast Level 8s?
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Subject: Are there plans for the kind and generious author of AC+ to update it so it will cast Level 8s?
Are there plans for the kind and generious author of AC+ to update it so it will cast Level 8s?


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Subject: Are there plans for the kind and generious author of AC+ to update it so it will cast Level 8s?
It's in the pipeline, but I've been debating the best way to do that. Right now, it's got a list of every spell you could potentially cast; I have to update that and release a new version every time Turbine add new spells. They've already said they plan on doing that (or at least hinted), so I'd prefer to come up with a way that it can figure out the new spells for itself. And to be honest, I've been occupied with other things lately, and haven't had much time to work on it.


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Subject: Are there plans for the kind and generious author of AC+ to update it so it will cast Level 8s?
I am no programmer (never claimed to be, nor do I want to be, lol), but, Buffme has an option of adding new spells-you just select the profile you want to use, click on the "ADD" button, cast the new spells and it "adds" them to your spell profile. When your done, you just hit the "STOP" button.

Not sure if AC+ could do something similar????



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Subject: Are there plans for the kind and generious author of AC+ to update it so it will cast Level 8s?
David, I think it's an issue of making decal & the plugin aware of the spell's exsistance (all spells have a ID #, found this out when I was setting up Craftbot for my tinkerer), not sure if it's possible to do this automatically or not.


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Subject: Are there plans for the kind and generious author of AC+ to update it so it will cast Level 8s?
I love AC+!!! Fantastic plugin happy


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