Author Topic: Mob Tracker 1.4 is now available
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Subject: Mob Tracker 1.4 is now available
I updated Mob Tracker to version 1.4

You can get it here:

Mob Tracker Stats(and a BIG Thank You to contributors of data!):

18 million unique spawn locations
2000+ mobs
10000+ users
135+ million reported spawns

Now, down to business. Whats new?

-Map updated to reflect 100th patch
-Modifications to put settings file in a better location for Vista compatibility
-Blighted mob group added to default settings file
-Rares finds are now reported as well

The map is self explanatory, but I'll go one better and provide it for those who want to use it to update AC Explorer, etc.

The mods to the settings file mean you will lose any changes to your existing mob list or custom settings, groups, etc. If you are one of the very few people who have lots of settings to change, then you will need to merge the XML with the new file. In order to do this you need to know where the new file is. Since this now depends on who is logged on and what OS you are on, here's the easiest way to find out. Type this in AC after you install the new version and have your old settings file somewhere safe:


Now you will see where your files are located. On Vista they are usually obscured, but you can copy that path and type it into a explorer window and it will show the contents just fine. Then you can merge away. If you dont know how to merge XML, then don't touch any of this, just re-enter your settings.

The Blighted is just another preset mob group that tracks/doesn't track all Blighted mobs with a single click(you can add your own if you are comfortable with XML).

The Rare reporting is the first step in merging the Rare Tracker functionality into Mob Tracker and Loot Tracker. Right now all it sends is Server/Name/Rare, and it obeys the anonymous setting. Note that it does not update the rare database that Rare Tracker currently uses. That will come later, so don't uninstall Rare Tracker just yet. happy

I think that covers it all. I haven't had a chance to do more than an hour of testing so as always if there are any issues, PM me, post or send me email.

Thank you.


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Subject: Mob Tracker 1.4 is now available
You forgot to include the MobSpawnViewer and the BMP you posted still has a green spot in it near Xinh cottages (south east). But I'm glad to see this plugin is still being further developed.


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Subject: Mob Tracker 1.4 is now available
Ug. I guess the primary output from that project got lost when I moved everything over to my new machine. The green dot I just plain didnt see. Good catch! I'll rebuild and post the right stuff as soon as I make a little trip to that green landblock wink


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Subject: Mob Tracker 1.4 is now available
OK, the install should have those taken care of and the map should be fixed too. happy


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Subject: Mob Tracker 1.4 is now available
Thanks Yew!!!!! applause


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Subject: Mob Tracker 1.4 is now available
My old version ( stopped working today. This happened once before when the site went down. Am I required to update to newer version?


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Subject: Mob Tracker 1.4 is now available
I could lie and say you have to upgrade happy , but nothing has changed which would force you to get the new version. I would prefer you to use the new version, though, if you get the chance.


Correct that. I think I deleted the old directory maps used to be stored in prior to 1.2, so you have been using very old maps and now it might no longer work. Try the new version.


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Subject: Mob Tracker 1.4 is now available
Not to derail (if thats what this is) but you mentioned in the op something about Loot this a separate plug-in, or is it built into Mob Tracker? And I assume from the name that you can use it to say search the map for areas that have dropped SIKs or plants or something?


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Subject: Mob Tracker 1.4 is now available
Its a seperate plugin I have not yet released(for the technically inclined, its an adapter-only plugin and I cant seem to find a way to guarantee I recieve notification of all items on a corpse so I may have to rewrite using netecho). It scans corpses and chests and sends the data on the contents to a central server where loot profiles are built up and can be used to answer questions such as "What has the best % of dropping majors" or "I need ivory, what should I hunt?", then the Mob Tracker maps can tell you where to target your hunting.


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Subject: Mob Tracker 1.4 is now available
>> for the technically inclined, its an adapter-only plugin and I cant seem to find a way to guarantee I recieve notification of all items on a corpse so I may have to rewrite using netecho

This is an AC bug, not an adapter bug. Sometimes the game does not send you create packets for all of the items that should appear on a corpse. Typically when this happens it sends you NO create packets for the corpse, and the corpse appears empty to the client. (This even happens with monsters that are supposed to always drop a particular item.)


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Subject: Mob Tracker 1.4 is now available
Great info! How do plugins such as FindIt and Alnico, etc. overcome this obstacle?


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Subject: Mob Tracker 1.4 is now available
They might not be. I've been trying to reliably overcome this for about a year now, it ain't easy.


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Subject: Mob Tracker 1.4 is now available
I have also seen, on several occasions, a corpse that clearly contains items even on the client, yet i get no event for their creation. If I go back and reopen the corpse, it detects them then. It is important to note that I trap ALL creates and I maintain an internal list of all corpses as soon as they are either created or, at the very latest in case I didnt get the create on a corpse, when I get the corpseopen event. I check every create to see if it has an owner matching anything on the list, and somehow these items get around all of that. I just assumed it was a worldfilter issue or something.

I also seem to have issues with objects reporting spellcount of 0 when there are clearly spells on it.

Yeah this thread is way off track now, but the info is useful. I need a way to reliably get the contents of a container no matter what.


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Subject: Mob Tracker 1.4 is now available
There isn't one. Even if you could, tracking whether or not another player has looted a corpse (quite common on group quests) is pretty much essential, otherwise you'll invalidate your data, as corpses will appear to contain less 'good' stuff because they're often being opened for what the plugin believes is the first time, but after the good stuff has been looted.

I've been working on exactly what you're trying to do for a long time now. More than once I've abandoned it for a while simply because there's very little way of getting data that's reliable enough to be worthwhile. Every now and then I get an idea of how to fix one issue, only to hit another later on. I have come to the conclusion that you're just not going to be able to guarantee accurately getting the contents of every corpse/chest you come across. I'm in two minds whether or not it's worth continuing, or whether there's a solution that's 'good enough' even if it's not 100% accurate.


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Subject: Mob Tracker 1.4 is now available
>> I have also seen, on several occasions, a corpse that clearly contains items even on the client, yet i get no event for their creation.

Ah, this is a different issue, yes.

I have also looked into this issue on multiple occasions. It does not just occur with items on corpses, it occurs with all objects, including monsters. It also is more likely to occur in some places than others.


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Subject: Mob Tracker 1.4 is now available
Thanks Yew!!


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