Author Topic: Another Alinco question
Title: King of Bears
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Subject: Another Alinco question
I noticed that while running Alinco, it shows the critters health in the lower right corner, just below the name of the critter. While this is good and helpfull (it shows it going down as well), if the critter's name is on 2 lines (like Degenerate Shadow Commander), it gets mixed up with the health information.

Is there a way to disable that info? Besides not running Alinco happy

I have narrowed it down to Alinco by turning off plugins one by one and seeing which one caused it to reappear and I have been all over Alinco looking for this but cannot locate it.




The more people I meet, the more I like my cat
Retired-Lvl 251 Battle Dagger/Sword Bear, Bunny Master cool
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Subject: Another Alinco question
That's because it's not Alinco that's doing it, it's AC+. Disable 'target hud' in AC+'s options. I've noticed this myself, I haven't come up with a good way round it yet unfortunately.


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Title: King of Bears
Posts: 13,040
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Subject: Another Alinco question
Hmm, thanks, thought it was Alinco, rofl happy



The more people I meet, the more I like my cat
Retired-Lvl 251 Battle Dagger/Sword Bear, Bunny Master cool
Retired-David the UA Bear-Lvl 250-Queen Slayer cool
Retired- Lvl 275-David the Mage Bear-David's Rare Bear Lvl 275/Died 887
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Subject: Another Alinco question
I'm curious about one thing though- was it coming up even with AC+ disabled? If I've screwed up somewhere it is possible that some things don't get shut down properly when you disable it, but I thought I'd made sure that doesn't happen.


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