Author Topic: Looking for an old plugin
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Subject: Looking for an old plugin
I had an old plugin back before ToD, I think it may have been called Heckler. It was pretty simple, it let you input strings of text that you could then repeat with a single click. It was designed with allowing chat mid-battle in mind. Does anyone know the plugin I'm talking about? Does it still exist in some form, or at least the functionality?


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Subject: Looking for an old plugin
Yea. Play WoW


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Subject: Looking for an old plugin
If it was pre ToD, it will not work with the current game.
There is existing in game code that allows you to load text files.

August 2004 Patch Notes
There is a new command available to players this month: @loadfile [filename].
This command will load the listed filename and execute each line as if you had entered it manually into the chat bar.
The file needs to be in flat text format.


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Subject: Looking for an old plugin
Thanks for the reply, I suppose I'll have to try my hand at making it myself, with the knowledge of /loadfile (how did I ever miss that?!), it doesn't sound like a very difficult job.

As for OREOSTARS, I have no idea what you're referencing. I researched WoW and played it for about a day or two, just to see what the hype was about, and there is nothing to make hype over, it's an awful game. There are no redeeming qualities to that game whatsoever, it's just a cookie-cutter of other (mostly bad) ideas, stitched together and having the heck advertised out of it. I think, as they ofttimes say in AC, you should "GB2WOW", though on second thought I wouldn't wish that on anyone! :P


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