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Subject: DX10?
Just wondering if decal is compatible with DX 10?

Just upgraded to vista 64 bit, and tried to install decal and the ihnstallation wanted to install the most current version of dx 9.0c. I dont want DX 9 or if I have to download it, does it replace DX 10? Not sure how the installation process of this works.



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Subject: DX10?
[edit] I might be giving bad info.. I'll let someone else answer wink


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Subject: DX10?
Last I checked, it worked under DX10, but it was Vista 32 and they had to use the decal.msi file rather than setup.exe file


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Subject: DX10?
Drakier, do you have a link or anything telling me how to do this?


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Subject: DX10?
Seriously, can someone help me out here??

I want decal back, but I dont want to lose DX10 in the process.


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Subject: DX10?
I already told you what to look for.

A simple search on google for "decal.msi" reveals a few different places where the decal.msi file is linked.

You just have to do a little work to find it.


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Subject: DX10?
here you go:


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[Trade] +Envoy Sparker says, "Rep check: Eps Levelin, PST."
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Subject: DX10?
ok, got it to install without losing dx10.

I could not install .net framework 2.0 as I am running 64 bit OS. Says its supported on MS site, but its not. So... I tried to install Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package (x64). Then was given the message this was already part of my OS.

Tried to update decal, said update complete but then i get the error "a file being updated is in use. close the program and try again."

Please advise.


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Subject: DX10?
Still cant get this to work. Red X's everywhere too.


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Subject: DX10?
You have to install everything to the x86 if I remember correctly.

I don't know of people getting Decal to work on Vista x64 natively.

Again, you need to search around. There are posts here in this specific forum on people who have installed Decal and gotten it to work on an x64 system.

But I expect people to do some of their own work. I'm not going to go out of my way to help someone who doesn't appear willing to help themselves.

*glares at Eps*

There's a reason I asked you to google the answer for the decal.msi and not be "handed" it by someone else. I could have just as easily linked you the file myself, but that defeats the purpose.

Also.. once you CAN create an export, it is probably wise to post the export so people can see if there are any other problems. This can be done from the main Decal screen of the DenAgent with the button labeled as "Export"


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Subject: DX10?
Thanks for the condesending attitude.

I tried the search here on the vault boards, but the search functunality is horrible.

Ive also been on the decal site trying to find answers as well, but their search engine isnt much better.

I dont need hand holding. I looked for answers before coming here, which is why I came here. I didnt know what the decal.msi was, thats where I was confused. All I saw on the main decal site was the decal.exe which includes a dx installer.

Trust me, Im not a moron as you make it sound. Why do people such as yourself assume that people dont look for an answer before coming here?? You have a poor attitude, and because you are a designer of certain plugins obviously you understand it more than most people. I dont.

If you dont want to help, fine. But dont criticize people for helping.


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I'm criticizing Eps because he's Eps.. it has nothing to do with you or "helping". That is previous history however and his "helping" was a spite at me directly because of past problems.

I'm not being condescending either. I AM trying to help you, but you have to help yourself. I've given you what you need to look for. Now you just need to look for it.

I know the VNBoard search is horrible, but Google has indexed these pages and you can do a search on google with the keyword and it will search these boards for the answer.

I would have to do the exact same things I'm suggesting to you myself. The difference is, I don't need to know the answer right now. In order for me to "give" you the answer you want, I'd have to search through these threads and link them to you. I figured you could do that work yourself. I've pointed you at what you need to look for, you just need to look for it.

I don't assume you're a moron. I assume that you haven't done work though because most of the people here posting in the fashion you've posted in HAVEN'T done the work. Where in your post have you explained what you've done before coming here to post? Where have you said "I've looked all over google and done searches for DirectX10 and Decal and Vista and x64 and I can't find what I'm looking for"?

From my perspective, you haven't proven to use that you've done anything other than ask for help, which I gave you (before Eps hand-held you through the process of finding answers). I understand you may not have known to look for the decal.msi file which is why I gave you that file name. I gave you what you needed to look up.

Forgive me for wanting you to help yourself. *shrug*


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Subject: DX10?
I didn't even pay attention to the name of the posters until you called me out. If the OP was capable of fixing their issue in a time frame they were content with they would have already done so(or atleast the first step) after reading the first post about decal.msi. It's obvious by now that the OP needs more help than they have on their own to get this working, and you meanwhile know what they need, or where to go to find what they need, why bother wasting their time? Just post ALL of the answer instead of throwing out hints, it's a lot simpler than a response about what they should be doing, and despite what you think, trying to have them 'do it on their own' isn't going to change anything but how they go about this particular situation. Not everybody has the time, effort, or desire to solve technical things like this basically on their own. Worry about yourself being stuck up before you worry about other people not doing things themselves. Saves time, effort, and frustration on both sides.

edit: And I did search for a while for a solution after this step for you Glum, but I didn't find it.


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[Trade] +Envoy Sparker says, "Rep check: Eps Levelin, PST."
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Subject: DX10?
as a wise man once told me...

"Give a man a fish, he'll eat tonight; teach a man to fish, he'll cuss you out for not giving him the dang fish.."

As for "wasting time" I had to "waste time" trying to look up the answer for someone in the same way I told them to do it. Why is his time more valuable than mine? Why should I waste MY TIME to go look for an answer for him? I told him what he needed to look for. I remember seeing the threads about this before. I just don't have direct links to them and I'd have to waste my own personal time in a search to spoon feed the answer to him. I'm not going to do that.


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Subject: DX10?
Wow.. i just did a search on google that said.... Decal Vista 64

Guess what? I got a lot of hits on different things you can try out! So try them!


I can't fix the problem FOR YOU. I don't have access to your PC or anything else. You have to fix the problem yourself. I AM trying to help you, but there is only so much I can do (and only so much I should be ASKED or REQUIRED to do). I've given you what you need to try some things out. What more do you want from me?


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Title: I Love Boobies. And Butts, too!
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Subject: DX10?
Drakier posted:
As for "wasting time" I had to "waste time" trying to look up the answer for someone in the same way I told them to do it. Why is his time more valuable than mine? Why should I waste MY TIME to go look for an answer for him? I told him what he needed to look for. I remember seeing the threads about this before. I just don't have direct links to them and I'd have to waste my own personal time in a search to spoon feed the answer to him. I'm not going to do that.

Normally when you help people, you spend time so they don't have to. This is what people appreciate other people for, and thank them for. Must be a new concept for you.


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