Author Topic: Is there a user guid for Alinco
Title: Lunatic of DT
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Subject: Is there a user guid for Alinco
soooo confused on how this even works. Never used it before.


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Subject: Is there a user guid for Alinco
Would certainly be nice to have one, but I don't think one exists. Just dig into it and play with the settings a bit, and you'll get the hang of it.

Remember that when entering mob/trophy items for notification, it'll default to expecting exact spelling/capitalization.


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Subject: Is there a user guid for Alinco
Here's Alinco's GUID:

Ohhh you meant guide

(Sorry, I'm not being helpful at all, just joking around)


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Title: Lunatic of DT
Posts: 10,870
Registered: Nov 28, '01
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Real Post Cnt: 10,724
User ID: 523,751
Subject: Is there a user guid for Alinco
lol didn't notice I misspelled that.


--Disciples of Bael'Zharon--
"Kill the Mage Jets!!!"-Ziro on Saving Asheron, refrencing the Buruks
"I like catching people unbanned. They scream louder when the arrow hits"-Drunk
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