Author Topic: Please help an idiot (me) with Decal
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Subject: Please help an idiot (me) with Decal
I started AC1 right after beta ended, played DM, left about 5 years ago because I just didn't have the time to play the 6 hours a day I had been playing. I downloaded the free ToD trial, and I love it - I'm hooked again in a big way.

My question is about Decal: I've been trying to research what's available (all I want is loot- and mob-finding) and there's a lot of information out there, but can someone point me in the direction of a step-by-step tutorial?

I'm seriously challenged in this area, for instance I have no idea what memlocs are, also the reading I have done raises some questions for me as to what will work with ToD.

Have pity, please, on a non-technical girl, share your wisdom and I'll be your fan for life.


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Subject: Please help an idiot (me) with Decal
Decal is down right now because of the Monthly Content Patch.

When the servers come back up, it will take me a little while to get memlocs ready and posted.

Once memlocs are ready, I'll post a new post on this board telling everyone that they are updated.

Once memlocs have been posted, you click the "Update" button in Decal and get the new ones. DO NOT click the "Update" button before I post that memlocs are ready though, otherwise if your ISP caches data, you'll be hosed for the day (or however long it takes for the cache to time-out). has a list of Plugins available. Some work, some don't. If you find issues with any of the plugins, you need to post here or PM to Yaroz_MT (I think) and he should be able to get it taken care of [read: removed].

If you have any problems running Decal once the servers are up and Decal has been updated, post here what your problem is, and also click the Export button and copy/paste the information from the Export into your thread describing the problem. Then someone will attempt to help you.

Read the sticky threads in this forum (at the top) and it should answer a lot of your questions.


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Subject: Please help an idiot (me) with Decal
Thank you! I have downloaded and installed Decal and FindIt! since I posted this topic, and I shall do what you say before trying to run it.

The process of re-learning all I used to know is harder than I thought it would be :P


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Subject: Please help an idiot (me) with Decal
Welcome back!


Logan Conrad -MT- 221st Level Combat Archer
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Subject: Please help an idiot (me) with Decal
In case you missed it earlier, you can now update your memlocs by clicking Update in Decal.

and I was wrong about Yaroz's name... it's yaroz_vn


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