Author Topic: Question for the Ltxi programmers
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Subject: Question for the Ltxi programmers
One thing el tank had that ltxi does not is the ability to switch wands or weapons/arrows automatically.

A good example would be for EO, in the ripper room, and a ninja spawns. You need Acid, and by the time you pause, switch both, and turn back on or try to kill it, chances are you are dead or so close to dead that you cannot effectively heal.

What is the possibility of this being integrated into LTxi?


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Title: Magister of Fun
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Subject: Question for the Ltxi programmers
It's on the TODO list

When, not sure, but at least we are thinking about it grin


fun, Fun, FUN!
LifeTankX Developer --
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Subject: Question for the Ltxi programmers
Hey thinking about it is better than not at all! Just something that came up in fellow chat happy


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Subject: Question for the Ltxi programmers
I have a skunkworks macro that solves this in EO, but it doesn't work, because ltxi is hell-bent on re-weilding the "correct" wand... I tried setting a different wand depending on target, in ltxi, but having a macro do this proved extremely unreliable.

As such, I'd be happy with a simple "Don't be a wand nazi" button, so, ofcourse, it will weild the default wand initially, but not force that one to be weilded every time it casts a spell...

However, the full fix, would involve another tab basically, with the ability to set Default, buffing, elemental, etc wands/weapons individually. Then, on target acq, check weilded wand, vs "proper" wand...

Logically, it sounds fairly simple, but from a programming prospective, it might be a bit tricky to get it to work without bugging out. (note- the current "default wand" setting might prove very valueable, as if you simply push the proper wand to this variable, ltxi will automatically force the wand to be weilded... but an ifexists check every time you change wands would be slow, and without it, it would cause ltxi to sit there for hours trying to weild a wand that's in your chest, or on a corpse.)



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