Author Topic: Looking for a pea seller
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Subject: Looking for a pea seller
anyone have a pea seller plugin?


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Subject: Looking for a pea seller
Lifetank Xi is the only known one that does this. I think verigans can sell, but it won't autosell large amounts of peas.


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Subject: Looking for a pea seller
Lil-Blub posted:
I think verigans can sell, but it won't autosell large amounts of peas.

Correction to this..

It will either sell peas, or not sell peas. It does not give you any option to choose to sell a certain number of peas to, say... Cover the extra cost of an MMD. If you have a large amount of peas in your inventory, and you don't tell VMT you want to keep them, it will sell them all.

When I leave the archmage, I have 0 peas left in my pack. happy


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Subject: Looking for a pea seller
I think verigans can sell, but it won't autosell large amounts of peas.
Correction to this..

It will either sell peas, or not sell peas. It does not give you any option to choose to sell a certain number of peas to, say... Cover the extra cost of an MMD. If you have a large amount of peas in your inventory, and you don't tell VMT you want to keep them, it will sell them all.

When I leave the archmage, I have 0 peas left in my pack. happy

Thus the words I said "I think". wink

No correction needed. I wasn't sure. happy Can't really quote someone with a indefinite answer. wink


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Subject: Looking for a pea seller
Please excuse my poor choice of words. I will attempt to be more careful in the future. happy


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