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Subject: Dual Client: Better system preformance windowed or full?
I thought windowed would be better but after about an hour my computer goes in to a processing frenzy while switching between the 2 screens. Logging out and shutting down after a few hours takes about 10-15 minutes. It's horrible. I'm running Vista if that makes a difference.

I'm gonna try increasing my Ram today to another 2 gigs.

Any suggestions?



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Subject: Dual Client: Better system preformance windowed or full?
I do windowed. But I have xp.


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Subject: Dual Client: Better system preformance windowed or full?
I prefer windowed mode myself but I would be alt-tabbbing all the time otherewise.... I run Win2k tho your milage may vary.


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Subject: Dual Client: Better system preformance windowed or full?
I run windowed fine in Vista (32- and 64-bit.) IIRC, some comparisons without dual client were done back when ToD came out and it was shown that windowed mode actually takes up more resources than full screen.


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Subject: Dual Client: Better system preformance windowed or full?
Especially with 2 clients both running Decal. I've always suspected something has a memory leak (be it Decal itself or purhaps Lifetank) and it chews up all the video or system ram after time. That would explain, even in single client situations, why AC crashes when trying to open a Decal window. Switching between 2 clients does work for me, at first. After a few hours I can tell it's having to work harder.

Usually when I do that I run all graphics low and in a smaller resolution, and minimize the plugins I have loaded. That seems to help it last longer.
Also, system specs can vary. Vista does tend to use more than XP does.



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Subject: Dual Client: Better system preformance windowed or full?
vista sucks


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Subject: Dual Client: Better system preformance windowed or full?
Win XP can support a maximum of 4 GB of Ram.

Only 3 GB will be "seen" and is usable as 1 GB will be used by the kernel.


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Subject: Dual Client: Better system preformance windowed or full?
I know I got 6GB on my system and it HUMS in XP Pro.

I don't notice anything going wrong with decal or AC when it comes to dual client. Just the normal direct x related crashes because direct x really isn't a good piece of software.


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Subject: Dual Client: Better system preformance windowed or full?
in full screen one client running it seems to run a 'tad' faster since it doesn't ahve any worries about checking to update the desktop more of the time slices are dedicated to AC.

it is barely perceiptable with one client running.

one thing that WILL not work under windowed mode is the AC brigthness slider. No effect on the windowed screen, only works in full screen mode.

never have run multiple clients in full screen mode.


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Subject: Dual Client: Better system preformance windowed or full?
>> I've always suspected something has a memory leak (be it Decal itself or purhaps Lifetank)

Decal does indeed have a memory leak. Anyone who doesn't believe it should start Decal with no plugins, then go hunt the Egg Orchard for an hour. Check used memory before and after. You'll notice something in the range of 20-40mb extra used memory. Repeat the exercise with Decal off and you will notice no memory gain.

If alt-tabbing produces a lot of disk activity, check how much memory is available versus how much is used. Restarting your client may help, as may running fewer plugins. Or you could just get more memory.


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Subject: Dual Client: Better system preformance windowed or full?
hmmm,i use it in wondowed mode with xp and have 3 windows running at once,not always in the same place either and have had no problem running for hours with heavy mage and melee fighting.


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Subject: Dual Client: Better system preformance windowed or full?
Well I forgot to mention that 3gb is only seen in windows. So the rest is a waste...

Sorry I didn't clarify!


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Subject: Dual Client: Better system preformance windowed or full?
>> Well I forgot to mention that 3gb is only seen in windows. So the rest is a waste...

Run Vista 64-bit or Server 2003. tongue


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