Author Topic: Anybody have the know how to pull out the 3d objects from the portal dat for editing?
Title: I Love Boobies. And Butts, too!
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Subject: Anybody have the know how to pull out the 3d objects from the portal dat for editing?
Similar to pulling out 2d UI files for custom skins, but for more complex 3d objects, not just the color palletes(although they would be useful as well) that overlap the 3d object, the actual shape file. Example of use would be turning that little drudge pet that follows you around into Bael'Zharon, making custom shaped weapons, personalizing the whole look of armor, etc. Although making custom objects might not work out, swapping existing ones with eachother seems feasible, right?

No need in telling me how hard and how much time it would take, I've already heard it all before. Keep im mind this is the same concept as custom skins, which was allowed on this forum.


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