Author Topic: LifetankXI Released!
Title: quantum mechanic
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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Served it's purpose. Thanks for the feedback.

A new version of LifeTank has been released. The focus of this release is to make the program less UCM friendly.

We realize that this release will probably be ill-received by many due to the removal of many "Log on X" features. However, they were too UCM friendly.

See the release page on the website and EULA for more information.


We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants. We see more and things that are more distant than they did,
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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
removing log out on death does only one thing. It makes it so the people who are not ucming will have to reform fellows all the time. It does absolutely nothing to the person who was ucm'ing.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!

LTCore v11.7.5 - Error Log - Session : 8/23/2007 10:01:05 PM
[08/23/2007 22:01:06.000] [Engine] UIMacro.Init - Invalid procedure call or argument
[08/23/2007 22:01:06.984] Core Init Failed!
[08/23/2007 22:01:07.546] [Engine] clsHUD.drawMacroHUD - Object variable or With block variable not set - line: 0
[08/23/2007 22:01:07.562] [Engine] clsHUD.drawStatsHUD - Object variable or With block variable not set - line: 0
[08/23/2007 22:01:07.578] [Engine] clsHUD.drawInvHUD - Object variable or With block variable not set - line: 0
[08/23/2007 22:01:07.578] [Engine] clsHUD.drawDebugHUD - Object variable or With block variable not set - line: 0
[08/23/2007 22:01:07.593] [Engine] clsHUD.drawDebugHUD - Object variable or With block variable not set - line: 0
[08/23/2007 22:01:11.734] LifeTank could not initialize properly. Please check the Errors.txt log in your Lifetank\Logs\ directory for more information.

Decal (DenAgent.exe) version:

type, enabled, name, version, clsid
Plugins, 0, Alinco Buffs,, {58A8364F-99D7-4FE5-BAE9-D0CBF0329055}
Plugins, 0, Alinco,, {4338186E-7AE8-4B9E-985D-98D692036EA8}
Plugins, 0, Decal Hotkey System,, {6B6B9FA8-37DE-4FA3-8C60-52BD6A2F9855}
Plugins, 1, FOG,, {0ABB0D8D-1716-42ED-8B9F-15133D920BC1}
Plugins, 1, LifeTank XI,, {910C0F8E-827A-4E35-A980-50D57D0B1296}
Plugins, 0, YMCA!,, {F67923DF-49ED-4382-BDDE-F2CD8AFD26B7}
Plugins, 0, Mule Trade It!,, {9D762D6E-6444-485A-B242-C50386013763}
Plugins, 0, Spellbar Saver,, {C9D83ECD-28C6-4D9D-B994-984DB26B5C2E}
Network Filters, 1, Echo Filter 2,, {34239EAD-6317-4C40-A405-193BA5232DD8}
Network Filters, 1, Alinco Filter,, {375A7C84-B4FD-49BB-B63D-15CCC004E979}
Network Filters, 1, Character Stats Filter,, {4540C969-08D1-46BF-97AD-6B19D3C10BEE}
Network Filters, 1, World Object Filter,, {53092D1B-F0B0-46FF-BF11-8F031EC9B137}
Network Filters, 1, Decal FileService,, {5E9B2FC3-C251-4589-8CE3-2BCA542B98B6}
Network Filters, 1, Identify Queue Filter,, {B0C05A9A-273D-4BC4-B7BA-E27CF94C8EF4}
Network Filters, 1, SpellFilter,, {C2D43735-BE7E-4829-AF73-F2E7E820EB16}
Network Filters, 1, Darkside Filter,, {F93FD48F-BA68-4BF5-A7B3-7908D1634331}
Services, 1, Decal .NET Lifetime Service,, {71A69713-6593-47EC-0001-0000000DECA1}
Services, 1, Decal Dat Service,, {37B083F0-276E-43AD-8D26-3F7449B519DC}
Services, 1, Decal Render Service,, {FB3C8286-88ED-4B4D-B413-94B40F346239}
Services, 1, Decal Inject Gateway Service,, {FEFE5CAB-10E4-404F-AD4D-184BCB506099}
Services, 1, Decal Input Service,, {B33307BA-706D-474A-80B9-70BB8D13EF3E}
Services, 1, Decal Networking Service,, {C8C406F8-BA2E-4964-8B04-FF38394A8E0E}
Services, 1, Decal D3DService,, {F0CC07A0-2C89-4FA4-9356-714665BC2F8B}
Surrogates, 1, Decal.Adapter Surrogate,, {71A69713-6593-47EC-0002-0000000DECA1}
Surrogates, 1, Prefilter Network Filter Surrogate,, {443D4A68-5422-4E0C-9460-973F8FBDB190}
Surrogates, 1, ActiveX Plugin Surrogate,, {7559F22F-C56F-4621-AE08-9C354D799D4B}
Surrogates, -1, Version 1 Plugin Surrogate,, {3D837F6E-B5CA-4604-885F-7AB45FCFA62A}
Input Actions, 1, Delay Input Action,, {324D76B8-D8C7-4A81-B867-E4E1F874E488}
Input Actions, 1, Mouse Move Input Action,, {57D18578-0BF0-4DE5-A0A9-E7CB531C0429}
Input Actions, 1, Restore Input Action,, {6EE2F682-7129-44BE-84B9-787BAE35EC1C}
Input Actions, 1, Polled Delay Input Action,, {762335B2-2274-4BB4-8B1F-F7286C949FF7}
Input Actions, 1, Typing Input Action,, {9CDCEEDC-F8AC-42D5-9A05-52B9346D00A4}
Input Actions, 1, Event Input Action,, {D6E4BD19-4900-4515-BCE2-A9EA4AAE2699}

Operating System:
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 family, Standard Edition Service Pack 1 (Build 3790)

[Protected Storage Service] : Automatic

Decal Settings
: Timer (Default)
[Portal Path] : C:\Program Files\Turbine\Asheron's Call - Throne of Destiny\
[Launcher App] : acclient.exe
[memlocs.xml] : 24536 bytes, Version
[messages.xml] : 53988 bytes, Version 2007.06.22.1
[Video Memory] : 126451712

D3DX Libraries (Only d3dx9_30 is required)
[d3dx9_24.dll] : Installed (
[d3dx9_25.dll] : Installed (
[d3dx9_26.dll] : Installed (
[d3dx9_27.dll] : Installed (
[d3dx9_28.dll] : Installed (9.10.455.0)
[d3dx9_29.dll] : Installed (9.11.519.0)
[d3dx9_30.dll] : Installed (9.12.589.0)

---Support Libraries ---
Note: The following libraries are not necessary for Decal to function and are only provided to be of use to plugin developers.

.NET Frameworks
[v1.0.3705] (1.0 Final) : Not Installed
[v1.1.4322] (1.1 Final) : Installed (Service Pack 1)
[v2.0.50215] (2.0 Beta 2) : Not Installed
[v2.0.50727] (2.0 Final) : Installed

C++ Libraries
[msvbvm60.dll] : Installed (
[atl70.dll] : Not Installed
[mfc70.dll] : Installed (7.0.9466.0)
[msvcr70.dll] : Installed (7.0.9495.0)
[msvcp70.dll] : Installed (7.0.9466.0)
[atl71.dll] : Installed (7.10.3077.0)
[mfc71.dll] : Installed (7.10.3077.0)
[msvcr71.dll] : Installed (7.10.3052.4)
[msvcp71.dll] : Installed (7.10.3077.0)

Microsoft XML Libraries
[msxml3.dll] : Installed (8.90.1101.0)
[msxml4.dll] : Installed (4.20.9848.0)

---Video Device Information---
[Device] : NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 4000
[Device Name] : \\.\DISPLAY1
[KeyDeviceID] : Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0185&SUBSYS_291F107D&REV_C1
[KeyDeviceKey] : \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\{001F41E9-67C5-466D-A7D2-10D948D7DF2C}\0000
[Manufacturer] : NVIDIA
[ChipType] : GeForce4 MX 4000
[DACType] : Integrated RAMDAC
[Revision] :
[MemoryLocalised] : 128.0 MB
[MemoryEnglish] : 128.0 MB
[DisplayLocalised] : 1680 x 1050 (32 bit) (60Hz)
[DisplayEnglish] : 1680 x 1050 (32 bit) (60Hz)
[DisplayWidth] : 1680
[DisplayHeight] : 1050
[DisplayBpp] : 32
[RefreshRate] : 60
[MonitorName] : Plug and Play Monitor
[MonitorMaxRes] : 1600,1200
[DriverName] : nv4_disp.dll
[DriverVersion] : 6.14.0010.9371
[DriverAttributes] : Final Retail
[DriverLangEnglish] : English
[DriverLangLocal] : English
[DriverDateEng] : 10/22/2006 12:22:00
[DriverDateLocal] : 10/22/2006 12:22:00
[DriverSize] : 4527488
[MiniVdd] : nv4_mini.sys
[MiniVddDateEng] : 10/22/2006 12:22:00
[MiniVddDateLocal] : 10/22/2006 12:22:00
[MiniVddSize] : 3994624
[Vdd] : n/a
[RenderWindow] : Yes
: No
[Debug] : No
[Signed] : No
[SignValid] : No
: {D7B71E3E-42C5-11CF-5657-150960C2CB35}
[DDIVer] : 9
[DDIVerEng] : 9 (or higher)
[DDIVerLocal] : 9 (or higher)
: 0
[VendorID] : 0x10DE
[DeviceID] : 0x0185
[SubSystemID] : 0x291F107D
[RevisionID] : 0x00C1
[WHQL Level] : 0
[NoHardware] : 0
[DDAccelEnabled] : Yes
[3DAccelExists] : Yes
[3DAccelEnabled] : Yes
[AGP Enabled] : Yes
[AGPExists] : Yes
[AGPExistsValid] : Yes


Killing Farmers since 1999!
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Title: quantum mechanic
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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
I realize that it has the potential to annoy those who are actually there, but you don't gain XP when the person in your fellowship is at the LS, so your XP loss is not affected at all. The only difference is that these people remain in your fellowship, and you have to remove them. Perhaps you can blacklist these offenders from your fellowship.

Ftuoil_XelRasH: The error log says you're running version 11.7.5. The newest is 11.7.6. Try doing a clean install and redownloading.


We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants. We see more and things that are more distant than they did,
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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Check the export


Killing Farmers since 1999!
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Title: quantum mechanic
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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Sorry, you edited it in after I posted so I didn't see it. I'll try going through the process on another machine.


We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants. We see more and things that are more distant than they did,
not because our sight is superior or because we are taller than they, but because they raise us up and their
great stature adds to ours
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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
restart client, resolved.

Decal has shown some odd cache things reccently :P


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
And before anyone asks YMCA!(homeless) is a Villa finder that I never released plain


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Saloben_ign posted:
removing log out on death does only one thing. It makes it so the people who are not ucming will have to reform fellows all the time. It does absolutely nothing to the person who was ucm'ing.

sure it does, they sit at the LS and get killed over and over. there goes all armor and weapons, GL macroing without anything.

DT: 0 LTXI: 1

eps macro assist: 999


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
nice going, you just killed AC for sure now


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
ya lets ruin macros 8 years later...

smart decision!


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
The only thing the log-on-death changes is screw everyone on Darktide while letting 90% of the AC population continue to UCM just fine with a newbie-area LS, nice going.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Honestly, this has gotta be the dumbest change I've seen. Why would you ever do that? you just pretty much killed AC, and why in the hell would you wait to do it now?



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Title: Lovebear
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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
rip darktide


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
and another thing, wth were you thinking... i havent seen an envoy in 2 years AND theres only 1000 accounts still logging in...accounts, not rough guesstimate...500 people...of which probably 490 use the logout on death...i barely have anything on DT and being lvl 90 as my highest, i cant beat anyone up anyways, so now i get to wake up naked

AND if i went back to a white server, im gonna get crap xp in fellows if im not the leader, cause the other 8 will be at the ls standing around... yes the fellow xp is still split up on my kills even though the macros kissing the ls's get nothing

sure i dont have much of a life, but i have a full time job and a partial real way in hell can i be able to play and be somewhat respectable with other pks

the one reason i quit my white server and went red, IS, because dt has on avg 400 <accounts> logged in, where the white servers max out at 150 on a good day

might as well chuck my 2 accounts to the curb now if i cant try to catch up overnight and at work

LTxi smites Hangar-18 mightily.



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Title: At Least I Got Chicken...
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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
it was only a matter of time before goody goody para went Nazi on us.

i expected it to happened eventually, but thats fine.

i have a feeling there doing this because they want to piss people off to the point someone eles will either remake a new version, or a whole new plugin itself, i think they just don't want to update it anymore and this is a easy cope out nerf stuff - piss people off - people eventually build something eles = them off the hook.

just my 2 cents.

this will either be fixed or someone will have a cracked or new version by next week.


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Title: quantum mechanic
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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
This is not a way for us to shed our responsibilities for maintaining LT. If we wanted to stop doing so, I imagine that we'd find someone else to take over. We believe that this is the best course for the plugin, and we think that the changes will benefit AC.


We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants. We see more and things that are more distant than they did,
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Title: At Least I Got Chicken...
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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
are u really that stupid, this a MACRO plugin always was and will be, and it will always be known for that.

your trying to cure a terminally ill plugin, nice work on trying to be all self-righteous on a 8 year old game with a 3rd party plugin.


Playing Real Life.. and Cross Fire when im bored.
DKoBZ = love
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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
in the new Eula -

You will not use LifeTankXI on a machine that also has plugins that provide features to aid UCMs, including, but not limited to, admin detection and/or autoresponse, reloggers, logging upon death and/or low components, kits, arrows/heads.

why not just kill the plug-in. Everything that works properly in it is now dead.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
not even worth it. I guess you gotta do what u gotta do, i just think its kinda late for these changes in the game state.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
other plugins have a log on death feature such as Quack, problem solved happy


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
This is not going to kill AC. It's dumb, I agree, but the game will survive.

People that don't play DT don't understand UCM, it's as simple as that.


Btomto - Tinker AT/WT
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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
read the new Eula, if you are running plug-ins they don't like ltxi will not authorize.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
para, can u plz make unfriendly log out on all servers? It helps to make sure not to ruin others playing.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
While the changes for logging out on comps, arrows, etc. aren't a big deal, I think it's a bit overreaching to prohibit people from running other plug-ins that somebody feels they need, regardless of the purpose of the plug-in. But, it is your baby...


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Title: quantum mechanic
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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
spalthi posted:
While the changes for logging out on comps, arrows, etc. aren't a big deal, I think it's a bit overreaching to prohibit people from running other plug-ins that somebody feels they need, regardless of the purpose of the plug-in. But, it is your baby...
Yeah, I understand that. It's not a decision that we made lightly, and is not something that we anticipate on using regularly. As we are disabling our own plugin and not touching others, we feel that it's an acceptable thing to do. LT is far from being the only combat aid, and if someone wants to use one of the disallowed plugins more than LT, they're able to do so with other programs.


We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants. We see more and things that are more distant than they did,
not because our sight is superior or because we are taller than they, but because they raise us up and their
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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
using disallowed plugins.. coming from the guy with 88 million post :P
I don't think ign allows bots to increase post numbers.


Never! Never! Never! take a sleeping pill and a laxative at the same time.
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Title: quantum mechanic
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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Saloben_ign posted:
using disallowed plugins.. coming from the guy with 88 million post :P
I don't think ign allows bots to increase post numbers.
They don't. tongue When I was one of the Producers for the Vaults, I edited my post count.


We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants. We see more and things that are more distant than they did,
not because our sight is superior or because we are taller than they, but because they raise us up and their
great stature adds to ours
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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Para - The detect and log on unfriendly is still a good thing for white servers also. Say Im macroing but im still in same room watching a movie and im in a quest dungeon if i have that feature on i log off when somone is doing the quest so i dont ruin it for them. I thought thats why the plugin was put there in the first place?


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Title: quantum mechanic
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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
vn_quuz posted:
Para - The detect and log on unfriendly is still a good thing for white servers also. Say Im macroing but im still in same room watching a movie and im in a quest dungeon if i have that feature on i log off when somone is doing the quest so i dont ruin it for them. I thought thats why the plugin was put there in the first place?
Well, if you care that much about other players and their quest experience, you shouldn't be doing that in the first place.


We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants. We see more and things that are more distant than they did,
not because our sight is superior or because we are taller than they, but because they raise us up and their
great stature adds to ours
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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Well, its a boss and he drops really great loot im still around so im not ucm'ing but some people like to kill there own boss's for the quest loot so i had it set to auto log when they entered the dungeon.

I dont really see the harm in what im doing?

Edit: it's not that I care SO much, its i just dont wanna get bitched at by other players.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
retarded, the downfall of el tank was when he started being all politically correct.

Someone should inform LTX makers that everyone has thirst, and all they are doing is making monarchies with private plugs have an advantage over people who don't.

a semi-equal playing field has been removed..

ISO monarchies with thirst, multi-logger plugins to join!
you call nuubs flocking to one tag with the good ltx-addon-detect-pvp plugin good for the game?

worst ever..

still super plugin and ur the best for even maintaining it all these years.

plz dont gay it up! ;p


(¯`·.¸«Ã¢â‚¬Â KìÑG GÓÐÑÅц»¸.·´¯)
(¯`·.¸T|-|É Ðá®k |-|Ô®Ðɸ.·´¯)
_))((_-»Gõ Êff Yöù®Sè£f«-_))((_,
»Ã¢â‚¬Â¡« †))((»«GòóРÆ’ìgh†»«))((† »Ã¢â‚¬Â¡«
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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
i just burnt thru a pac full of blue heal hits, and 200 plats cuz i ran out of arrows! ;P


(¯`·.¸«Ã¢â‚¬Â KìÑG GÓÐÑÅц»¸.·´¯)
(¯`·.¸T|-|É Ðá®k |-|Ô®Ðɸ.·´¯)
_))((_-»Gõ Êff Yöù®Sè£f«-_))((_,
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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Trying to govern and push YOUR idea of what is good for AC at this point is BULL!!!! This is because EPS put out a plug in and you all don’t agree with his effort at trying to make plug in that suit his needs. And because the fact that you guys were givin a great opportunity to make a really good plug in better but chopped it up and created this laggy POS!!! I wish the original creator would take it all back from you self righteous half assed program choppers and put it out the way it needed to be, back as a pay and private plug in that is not controlled by some happy ass coders that feel they need to "save ac" get a real life! just because you think it is good does not give you the right to tell me how to play the game. If you wrote this plug in then I would say you have a right to say how you want it used but you did not! the original creator made this to be used for the UCM people in ac. god help us if any of you even get any real power and have control over peoples real lives you can really eff up a whole city by telling people how to fish and claiming well I made the pole you have to fish only this way. well here is my 2 cents on how ac should be.....FREE it is a game where anyone can do anything and that should not be impeded so just cause I can code I should be able to write a program to enable just that??? Come on your logic is so flawed. You say that because you and your group modified LT that you have the right to tell people how to use it. again that is like modifying a bicycle then telling people that they have to use it this way cause it is good for the world and that if they are not using how you say to use it then you will come and take its tires...... who the hell do you think you are????

I do not ucm but I do not like being told that your going to have a program act other then how I want it to on MY computer. nor do I like to see a couple of people try to push there way of thinking on a majority if you were truly doing this for the ac population then you should give the popluation the chance to vote on it


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
When spk released his source to the public he gave a huge thank you to the author of skunkworks, now you get banned from ltx if you have it installed.

A special thank goes to the Decal dev team for their quality work
and support on Decal through all these years, Turbine for such a
fantastic game, and all my friends at Darkside-Online. I'd also like
to thank the author of SkunkWorks for releasing his source code, which
has proven to be a valuable help on several occasions throughout the
development of lifetank. Finally, a particular thank you to Sweet Mary
who made LT what it is today!

- Spk


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I really don't know what the fuss is here. thinking From the beginning my "Log on X" have been disabled and I never had any problems with LifeTank. None. shame_on_you

And I for one have been extremly apprecitive of what has been created by the few developers so we can enjoy such things as LTx. This is what they own (and not us). I for one am surprise that they never charged $$$ for any of this.

This change means nothing to me. But I appladed the efforts to keep it up and running. applause

BTW .. nothing offical, but has anyone notice the population of on-line users have been growing in the past couple of months. nerd


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Quuz, that's when I report, when I see people macroing a quest boss.

I don't have a real problem with the changes. Since I don't leave ltx on when I leave. But I do dual log so I will have to tab through more often. Maybe a noise on death would be good.

Thanks for keeping it going.


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i agree. spax would have nothing to do with this mockery of what you have done to his hard work. between me, immunity, spax , dire , and groo we made indes/exempt what it was. you have no right to do this. you should have at least consulted spax before doing it.

doesnt matter . i am attempting to contact spax by irc/phone at the moment. im confident once i get ahold of him this will be fixed soon


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
btw quack still works guys so use that until lifetank is fixed shock

quote : And I for one have been extremly apprecitive of what has been created by the few developers so we can enjoy such things as LTx. This is what they own (and not us). I for one am surprise that they never charged $$$ for any of this.

umm original lifetank u had to buy from spax. when spax quit he gave the source code to a select few to mantain lifetank.

they didnt mantain it they defiled it.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
ya I can tell it worked out well dont think I saw one positive remark about the changes yet.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Thx for maintaining lifetank.

Fellowships will suck now with afk leaders and half the fellow at ls.


I can make uber xp solo anyway.


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"between me, immunity, spax , dire , and groo we made indes/exempt what it was"

i can assure you , neither you or any of the above had anything to do with the creation of LT, the reason why you even gained access to it or the reason why "indes" what it was.

" umm original lifetank u had to buy from spax."

only newbs had to pay for it , if you were in my guild you could use it freely.

you can thank me, nzom, mass for you gaining access to LT in the first place and many of the "features" put in to LT which came from our idea's. many of them which were taken from "my best vassle" which later on turned in to blood thirst. and of coarse spk for all his work.

also as one of the original guys that helped LT grow from a simple drain macro to the powerful platform it is today. its a shame the new developers maintained the "code" for LT however they did not maintain its "vision". hypocrisy at its best , LT was designed for UCM from the start if you dont have the same vision dont maintain the code simple as that. cutting fully working features out of a plugin that was designed to do exactly that is not "maintaining" .

lastly anyone that uses LT today still UCM's lets not kid our selves here, if you need a automated plug in to play the game for you, i will bet my house, two cars and my kid that you have UCM'ed , however short period it might have been but you have. again hypocrisy at work here.


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>> I realize that it has the potential to annoy those who are actually there, but you don't gain XP when the person in your fellowship is at the LS, so your XP loss is not affected at all

This actually isn't true, the percentage of the xp you get is still lower than it would be if they weren't in the fellow. Take a fellow with two people- you get 75% of the xp regardless of whether the other player is standing next to you, or at the other side of Dereth.

I would suggest that for the sake of other players, instead of log off on death, LTx should drop players from their fellowship if they die, run out of comps.


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<< Well, its a boss and he drops really great loot im still around so im not ucm'ing >>

Then you would have no problem in either not killing the boss or logging out yourself.


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these hypocrites are a disgrace to LT and what it is and stands for,
was one the the biggest mistakes letting people like para an celtic try to "upkeep" a plugin when they don't support its real reason for existing.

your sole reason for "maintaining" LT is your just attention whores plain and simple, lets take over a macro plugin because everyone uses and loves it(you dont use or represent what this plugin is and does), then nerf it cause u get into a spat on VN over some dude making another plugin you dislike.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Oh here's another point.

If a ucmer gets logged on death, logged on lack of comps or ammo, or is stood at an LS, they get no xp, so this change does NOT affect them in any way.


>> I realize that it has the potential to annoy those who are actually there, but you don't gain XP when the person in your fellowship is at the LS, so your XP loss is not affected at all

This actually isn't true, the percentage of the xp you get is still lower than it would be if they weren't in the fellow. Take a fellow with two people- you get 75% of the xp regardless of whether the other player is standing next to you, or at the other side of Dereth.<<

That is true, so these changes only affect those left in the fellow and hunting, NOT the ucmer who isnt there to recall to dung etc.


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This is pretty lame... What are you guys doing come on...

Warbot is allready out people are just going to switch to that.

Unless Decal bans Skunkworks which would be unethical so then macroing goes on and you guys are going to be playing ego with someone that put out a altered version of warbot?

How does this make sense?

Here is what it will do..

People that want to UCM will use warbot end of story, nothing really changes except many people think you guys are ignorant ego goof balls for making this move...

Then apart from that you ban AC Tool?

Did it occur to you that people use ac tool for good reasons and then to hunt with life tank later in the day or evening.

Instead you make them disable, enable, relog ect....

Just a stupid decision guys you are just hurting the community. Every time you guys do this you hurt the game. It is at the end of its rope so why do this junk.

SPK did not intend for this bull to fly... He made his money and bounced...

I say you might as well killbyte this one if you are going to keep it this way.


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We had this same "uproar" when we disabled admin alerts... over a year ago. It didn't kill AC, it didn't hurt the game.

It's still a "combat macro" that is slowly conforming to the rules and Terms of Service set forth by Asheron's Call and Turbine. Lifetank was originally wrote when these rules were not in place. Now they are, we're following suit.

These "features" were removed because it's painfully obvious, if you were AT THE KEYBOARD the you shouldn't need something to log you out when you run out of tapers.. you would know ahead of time.

Key works being at the keyboard, attending the game as you're supposed to. I don't really care what your definition of "attended" is, that official definition has been set forth by Turbine... and basically you either need to be at the game or not playing at all. If you die/are killed because you didn't auto-log then you shouldn't have been breaking the rules.

Also, it is an answer to this new plugin and other plugins that are already out, or may be released in the future. We don't want them used in conjunction with Lifetank, so this is our insurance that they won't be. Sorry, the honor system got tossed out the door long ago.

It's a combat macro and it still remains one, no matter what the naysayers tell you.



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If you all remember, at LT's inception, Microsoft still owned AC, and was doing their level best to kill the game ... UCM was ok by them as long as they got their money.

Turbine finally bought the ownership of their game back from Microsoft, and make changes to the EULA, most notably the section regarding UCM. Elgar put a timer into the framework of ElTank, which people promptly did their best to alter. LT, however, continued on its merry way. The changes that have been made the last couple years have been in an attempt to bring the plugin into more compliance with the Code of Conduct Turbine has established.

Why someone wants to pay a monthly fee to allow their computer to play a game for them is beyond me, but I know people do it. The statement: "lastly anyone that uses LT today still UCM's lets not kid our selves here, if you need a automated plug in to play the game for you, i will bet my house, two cars and my kid that you have UCM'ed , however short period it might have been but you have. again hypocrisy at work here." You, sir, are incorrect. Some of us have carpal tunnel in varying degrees, and the help of a plugin such as LT DOES help us with the repetitive keying a mage requires. My partner who hunts with me in EO can easily attest to the fact that I'm not only AT the keys, but normally actively engaged in convesation with him and the allegiance (as well as others who might whisper me). A sweeping assumption like that simply is not true happy

To be quite honest, the only time I use LT is when I'm doing that darn olthoi ripper kill quest. Even breaking the quest up into smaller "chunks" is a lot of keying on my mage, so I let LT help me. The rest of the time? I'm usually outside hunting, and not using LT. What makes people hostile about unattended persons is that they often are macroing in dungeons well below their abilities, in well populated hunting areas. When you see level 225+ folks in 110 eaters, it is a bit annoying to some ...

You know ... instead of complaining, we should be glad Turbine is still allowing LT to be used. They could deny it if they really wanted to. I realize DT has its own set of "rules" and polices itself to a degree. I am grateful a plugin like this is still around and functional - it really takes the strain off my hands/wrists for that darn kill quest happy Oh, btw ... from the folks I've seen standing at lifestones for HOURS at a time, it appears many do not use the log on death feature anyway ...


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Without saying its against the ToS explain how detering UCMing will help the game?


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Simple. As long as UCM'ing is possible and the fastest way of getting xp, people will do it, and they'll be quite happy to gain xp that way. Take away UCMs, and they'll whine like Paris Hilton in a 6x6 cell, and Turbine might actually take action to provide a suitable replacement for character advancement than UCMing. Right now the need for that isn't there, because UCM'ing's an option, albeit not one that's permitted.

Turbine will add in to the game whatever there's a demand for. UCM'ing is taking away the demand for worthwhile content.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
so let me get this right....

IF Im running AC Tool on a machine so I can run a tinkerbot script for people I cannot use lt on that same machine?


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Quote :
The statement: "lastly anyone that uses LT today still UCM's lets not kid our selves here, if you need a automated plug in to play the game for you, i will bet my house, two cars and my kid that you have UCM'ed , however short period it might have been but you have. again hypocrisy at work here." You, sir, are incorrect. Some of us have carpal tunnel in varying degrees, and the help of a plugin such as LT DOES help us with the repetitive keying a mage requires. My partner who hunts with me in EO can easily attest to the fact that I'm not only AT the keys, but normally actively engaged in convesation with him and the allegiance (as well as others who might whisper me). A sweeping assumption like that simply is not true .

So let me understand this, you have never left your pc while LT was on and assisting you to hunt?

No bathroom breaks, no fixing a snack etc?

Because if you have, which you definatly have, you have UCM'ed.

To para and all the guys maintaing lifetank, Thank you for your time and effort. Since you put in the work I am not gonna tell you what to or not to do, as far as I'm concerned its your decision.

Some of us out there won't be affected by this and we actually appreciate the work you have all put in over the years.


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I don't see what these changes do to stop UCMing at all. Sitting at the lifestone is practically the same as logging off, and working off vitae when you happen to run under on comps won't curb anyone.

Seems like brash changes, with no thought put into them. Terrible update.


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Turbine will add in to the game whatever there's a demand for. UCM'ing is taking away the demand for worthwhile content. what planet did you come from. 3 times turbine did a poll to see our most liked things and 3 times removed them they are not gonna add anything because of somekinda demand.
where do you get off? you are not the ac coc police and we do not need any

Without saying its against the ToS explain how detering UCMing will help the game? lol it will not in any form in fact just the opposite. look how many dropped because timer in el then again when el quit.
we should be incouraging people to hunt and play not the opposite. the fastest way to lvl has nothing to do with ucm it has to do with hrs in the game killing be it acm,ucm or manual.
Also, it is an answer to this new plugin and other plugins that are already out, or may be released in the future. We don't want them used in conjunction with Lifetank, so this is our insurance that they won't be. unbelievable where do you self ritchious b**terds get off?
IF Im running AC Tool on a machine so I can run a tinkerbot script for people I cannot use lt on that same machine? WTF boyz ....get da rope,they have overstepped their bounds and gone way outta line. ;D


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i could care less about the "log on X" i dont use them anyway but telling me what plugs i can run at the same time is in no way your right, and like mentioned its only a matter of time before ltx is just another forgotten plug replaced by another, i look for server population to drop even more....nice, thats what we needed

why cant we leave the policing to the envoys?
GM and Ford ect.. certainly will not quit making cars that go over 65 just because thats the speed limit and i will continue to scrape the brains of the ones that operate them beyond the law off the roads, its the risk they take and the reality we all have to live with, just yesterday i scraped up another ones brains for going to fast, and i do mean brains literally (a smell and sight soon not forgotten)


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By taking more and more things out ur only killing the game and the plugin slowly. If there was no macro plugin anymore the game would die hands down. Macroers and UCMers are keeping this game alive. I think u guys have just went too far this time.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
The biggest problem I have with these changes..

I hve been running Tinking Cap on the FF server. Im pretty sure his script ( big props to Shein on this script) was one of the 1st tinking bots in all of AC. This is an AC tool program ( not many ppl know this).

Now tinking cap has his own puter, and on 24/7, it doesnt effect the bot at all.. This change effects ME because I have AC Tool on my puter to mess with the code and try to learn what everything does. ( its a little hobby trying to better myself) SO now with your change, I cant have AC tool on my puter just to be able to run ltx. Pretty crappy change.

BUT all things being said..
Trying to decide " what is best for the game" is not your job.. Stopping UCM is not your job.. its your plug in and you can destroy whatever you want, thats your option. Its Turbines job to stop all that, and decide where the game goes.

I dont UCM, but the changes you made, are going to hose me in learning about the TC script, and it hoses me in any fellow I am in cause I have to remake fellows everytime someone dies. BUT I guess since your 275 already you dont need to hunt for xp.


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Yeah, I understand that. It's not a decision that we made lightly, and is not something that we anticipate on using regularly. As we are disabling our own plugin and not touching others, we feel that it's an acceptable thing to do. LT is far from being the only combat aid, and if someone wants to use one of the disallowed plugins more than LT, they're able to do so with other programs.


Well first, I don't think it's the end of the world like others are claiming. There are other scripts/macros/whatever to fill the void. My concern was the eula stating you can't use it in conjunction with other plugins to fill in the removed functionality. That's fine, I get your reasoning and like I said, it's your baby so you are free to do with it as you please. After thinking about it a little bit, I'm scratching my head though. Putting the "not for UCM" label on lifetank seems to be like when you walk into a head shop and you see all those rows and rows of pipes, bongs, and hookas. Everyone knows what they are for and everyone buying them is going to use them for the same thing: getting high. However, they all have those silly stickers on them that read "For tobacco use only".
Anyway, thanks for maintaining lifetank, I'm sure its code is pretty much spaghetti at this point so it's probably not much fun to wade through it.

Oh is there a possibility of getting a button to tell lifetank to rescan your inventory like you just logged in? There are times when I put stuff in my inventory and for some reason lifetank seems to not "see" it there. Trading is the biggest culprit.


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I said demand, not what players want. There's a BIG difference. I'm sure most players would love a button in the newbie dungeon that makes you L275, but that's not going to happen either.

Player's never asked for the colloseum, but there was a need for something like that, so it got added. It's about the difference between what the game needs and what players want, and those don't always coincide.


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You guys are wasting your breath

I just think its funny LTx will not work with SW or AC tool now LOL.

Someone else will take the old code of Ltx and release it soon enough. We saw it hacked 2 years back and released to the public so it will happen again.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Didikillit posted:
Take a fellow with two people- you get 75% of the xp regardless of whether the other player is standing next to you, or at the other side of Dereth.<<
Sorry should have been more clear. That's what I was saying.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Gones_Mage posted:
IF Im running AC Tool on a machine so I can run a tinkerbot script for people I cannot use lt on that same machine?
You can. Just can't use it at the same time as LT.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Log on detecting people should have been left in. I could careless about the other ones. It saves your butt on DT when your at the keys.

But these guys don't understand that so whatever. It sucks such a great plugin got in the hands of a couple tools.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
kinslayer271 posted:
Log on detecting people should have been left in. I could careless about the other ones. It saves your butt on DT when your at the keys.

But these guys don't understand that so whatever.
This is still in on DT.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Whats good for dt, is good for a white server.
Plain and simple.
If you leave it for one you should leave it for all.
You are already screwing over tons of ppl who dont even use lifetank with these changes.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Well obviously I am in the minority (at least of the people posting here). but thank you Para for keeping Ltx up and running. I only use it on my mage and I don't UCM so these changes you made are fine with me. I am perfectly capable of checking my comp status without hitting a button. As far as someone 'leeching' at the ls with log on death removed, I guess people need to make sure the leader of the fellow is a non-ucm'r so they can remove them from the fellow when they die happy


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I agree with shiba


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I don't UCM... but I also don't really care if someone else is UCMing so long as it's not really hurting me.

When I'm in a dungeon grinding I generally have no idea who is UCMing and who isn't, nor do I know who is actually in the dungeon and who's not.

Would I prefer everyone actually be at their computer playing? Absolutely. But if I am going to be stuck playing with UCMers then I would prefer that they actually have the ability to leave the Fellowship when they die so that my exp gain isn't hurt because they are standing at the lifestone and not in the dungeon killing stuff.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
k3ny posted:
Without saying its against the ToS explain how detering UCMing will help the game?


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No one is obligated to build or maintain a plug-in that violates the ToS or CoC. And... if you don't UCM then the changes made don't make a wit of difference. For those who do UCM, try playing the game - it really is a great game and is doing well!

My thanks to Paraduck and others for maintaining a very handy plug-in.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Didikillit posted:
Take a fellow with two people- you get 75% of the xp regardless of whether the other player is standing next to you, or at the other side of Dereth.<<

WRONG. there is distance involved and if you get too far away you get 0 xp. INSIDE almost any dungeon the distance criteria does not kick in. So most UCMers don't know about, expect for those who love to leave and go to town shopping for 30 minutes or so. But any one that has hunted in the wilds knows this.

which is also the NEW rant for the NO LOG off on death by the UCMers. AS a person dies and now stands at the LS getting 0 xp and producing 0 xp, those left in the dungeon will be receiving less xp for their work.

personally i love it but then i don't use LTx so not my concern.


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"And... if you don't UCM then the changes made don't make a wit of difference. For those who do UCM, try playing the game - it really is a great game and is doing well! "

that's not true.

it effects those who don't UCM, moreso than it does UCMers.


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I am glad I don't run anything atthe same time I run Lifetank anyway - or I guess I'd be bent.

Never thought I'd actually say this... but where oh where has my ELGAR Gone!!!!!

/e just ribbin ya Para


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Para, do Darktide a favor and just disable it completely for the server.

As you can see, they have no love for you grin


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I do not use Life Tank. But...

1. Turbine has a UCM policy in place.
2. Turbine has a UCM policing system in place.

Now, why did you remove perceived UCM features? I am just trying to understand.

A. You want to protect the game? Someone will just make another one.
B. You want brownie points from Turbine? They couldn't care less about your efforts.
C. You are looking for more popularity from other players? Non-UCMers are a minority in Today's game.

I happen to be a Non-UCMer because I do not want my account banned, but if it were not against policy I would UCM. See there you go, their policy and policing works.

The fact of the matter is that I do not care if someone UCMs even if it is against the policy. It is their choice to put their account at risk. It is not my place to say whether they can or can't or to make it more difficult for them to so. You should not make it yours either.

They have a conscience all their own for that. Let them make the decision.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Fonoi posted:
Quote :
So let me understand this, you have never left your pc while LT was on and assisting you to hunt?

No bathroom breaks, no fixing a snack etc?

Because if you have, which you definatly have, you have UCM'ed.

No, I don't leave to do those things ... and if I do I use portal recall to hit the top of the dungeon, then return when I'm back. Sorry to disappoint happy


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Now, if the unattended crowd actually used the log on death before... then why do they still stand at the LS? rolling_eyes Even if we added a "Quit Fellow upon Death" feature, do you HONESTLY think people would turn in on? I very highly doubt it.

As for the SW and ACTool comments: Show one example of running ACTool/SW in conjunction with Lifetank that would not break the rules, ours or Turbines. Spamming /ct doesn't count rolling_eyes Honestly, the only reasons I see for running those tools with LT is just to run scripts for alarms. I know they're used for tradebots/tinkerbots, and that's fine.. but not while LT is running as well.

Also, to reexplain.. we aren't disabling ACTools or SW, we're making LT turn itself off in the event it sees either one of these running or installed. So your scripts still work fine, but LT won't be very responsive.

I agree that there is some tweaking that needs to take place to find a happy medium here, but this is what we have for the time being. I'll be honest, some of the ideas expressed across the boards are pliable and is something I don't believe we thought of. Legit discussions are still helpful. Flaming/attacking us for removing more cheating tools isn't. Admitting to using these tools to cheat/UCM is still against Turbine's CoC and therefore VN's, I shouldn't have to remind anyone of that either.



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If you really wanted to remove UCM from Lifetank then you would remove the ability to automate movement, targeting, and attacking.

Removing logging/alerts doesn't really hurt UCMing that much.


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I'm pretty sure my monarch runs 2 clients on one computer... one with ACTool running a tinker bot, and one with his toon hunting sometimes. If he uses LTX to hunt on a second client on the same machine, will this cause LTX not to function?

Last time I checked if he's running a tinkerbot he's not breaking the TOS... AS long as he's active on his combat toon.

This is the only problem I see with it.

And all you people crying about removing the alerts etc, not hurting UCM'ing aren't fooling anyone. If it didn't bother people "that much" we wouldn't see this incredible outpouring of people with issues.


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Paraduck posted:
This is not a way for us to shed our responsibilities for maintaining LT. If we wanted to stop doing so, I imagine that we'd find someone else to take over. We believe that this is the best course for the plugin, and we think that the changes will benefit AC.

Lol you did this for no one but yourself since you are 275 now you don't have to worry about macroing. Great, I'm maximum level, lets ruin it for everyone else then.

If you thought this would "benefit" the community perhaps you should have done the research and maybe asked the "community" first, yes? Seems like you don't know the community as well as you thought you did.


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Even if we added a "Quit Fellow upon Death" feature, do you HONESTLY think people would turn in on? I very highly doubt it.

As for the SW and ACTool comments: Show one example of running ACTool/SW in conjunction with Lifetank that would not break the rules, ours or Turbines. Spamming /ct doesn't count rolling_eyes Honestly, the only reasons I see for running those tools with LT is just to run scripts for alarms. I know they're used for tradebots/tinkerbots, and that's fine.. but not while LT is running as well.

Also, to reexplain.. we aren't disabling ACTools or SW, we're making LT turn itself off in the event it sees either one of these running or installed. So your scripts still work fine, but LT won't be very responsive.

I agree that there is some tweaking that needs to take place to find a happy medium here, but this is what we have for the time being. I'll be honest, some of the ideas expressed across the boards are pliable and is something I don't believe we thought of. Legit discussions are still helpful. Flaming/attacking us for removing more cheating tools isn't. Admitting to using these tools to cheat/UCM is still against Turbine's CoC and therefore VN's, I shouldn't have to remind anyone of that either.



lmao... That makes zero sense. You think because you see a few afk guys at the LS that no one uses the feature?!? Lol, that just goes to show why a new hacked version developed by other players is inevitable.

EVERYONE used the logout on death feature for various reasons. It was, in my opinion, the most important thing next to the actual automated combat.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
XavierVAT posted:
I'm pretty sure my monarch runs 2 clients on one computer... one with ACTool running a tinker bot, and one with his toon hunting sometimes. If he uses LTX to hunt on a second client on the same machine, will this cause LTX not to function?
As long as he's not running AC Tool and LifeTank on the same client, he should be fine.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Furby_Grenade posted:
If you thought this would "benefit" the community perhaps you should have done the research and maybe asked the "community" first, yes? Seems like you don't know the community as well as you thought you did.
The people that complain about this are the vocal minority. We've had about 2,000 unique downloads of this version of LT so far. The number of people complaining about the changes compared to the number of people who downloaded the plugin is very small.


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Of course you had 2000.... It's not like macroer's have a whole lot of choice. Sure there is warbot and actool...but who i am kidding.

Nearly everyone will be forced to download it until better alternatives become widespread.


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The dual-client setup you described should still run as expected. Launched the 1st client with the tinkerbot enabled. Let it get IG and running. Then uncheck the tinker plugin in Decal and check LT, then launch 2nd client.

LT is only disabling itself if the plugins in question are enabled when LT authenticates. The 1st client will still run since the plugin was already launched, even after you uncheck it, and LT will run if it's already authenticated and you have to re-enable ACTool if the other client needs to relog.



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People have to download it for multiple computers, I almost guarantee you over 2,000 downloads didnt come from unique users.

This was a horrible decision on your part and I sincerely hope you either fix this or people will slowly start to migrate to a new plugin.

I never used to have a problem with you, but doing this made you look like a selfish piece of crap.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Furby_Grenade posted:
People have to download it for multiple computers, I almost guarantee you over 2,000 downloads didnt come from unique users.
You may have missed my post on estimated AC population numbers last week, but we have ways of ruling that out. happy


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just one question, did you legitimately get yourself to 275 while remaining at the keyboard the entire time?


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Furby_Grenade posted:
just one question, did you legitimately get yourself to 275 while remaining at the keyboard the entire time?
Don't see how this is relevant, but yes. I've been 275 for over 1.5 years now, and didn't UCM to get there. (Of course people who view vassal XP from XP chains are illegitimate will disagree.) If you want to discuss it further, I'd be happy to elsewhere... don't see its relevant here as I've been 275 for many months.


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I call BS, and it is relavant because you are hypocritcal.


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For those of you whom disagree with the changes I'm sure there is nothing stopping you from finding an alternative or even *Gasp* writing your own...

Personally I don't use the LTx but realize it has a place in-game, and it's Dev's can make the changes they have, they don't have to continue to work on it, or release it, just be happy for what functionality you can get.


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You don't see the relevancy between the maximum level of a character and the issue with UCM'ing?

clearly you must be joking


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bwahaha because u have em over a barrel they have to dl it to keep playing, so is not a relevant example. i can not believe you think the xp is 75%for 2 ppl if they r not in the dungie,i c u neva dual logged to test, for maybe 5 mins it doesnt change but then it goes down expenentialy.
face it the only reason u did this is because of ego,pure and simple. all the rest is just a smoke screen. had it not been for a new plugin and disagreement this would not have happened.
nope they werent unique i have 5 puters myself for example.
i do not believe that yall dont c that it is ppl like me ,that maintain and play 11 accounts keeping ac alive. if the 5 of us leave its over ;P personally i only use ac to play with muh decal and plugins.


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As an active UCM'er on DT, I don't really see the big deal.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Fair_Weather posted:
As an active UCM'er on DT, I don't really see the big deal.

its not really the change thats making me angry, its the hypocritical "anti-UCM" push by someone who has a level 275.


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Shrug. I think the attacks on this move, its motivations, and the people behind it are just out of place in their thinking and intensity. A person can change their views and policies without it being hypocritical. It would be hypocritical if Paraduck maintained an older version of LTx for himself with which he could still UCM with ease, but this in no way is. For the most part, you're all just acting like a bunch of self-entitled ingrates, haha.


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uhhh no.

Thing is, since he is 275 he is just thinking about himself and his own well-being and now that he is max level he doesn't want anyone else to get there as easy as he did.

That's called being selfish, and i find it disgusting.

It's like hiding in Blood on Darktide to level up to 275, then when you're at 275 you join another guild and start bashing blood and talking trash about them all the time.


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Wow... thanks for putting the nail in coffin for Asheron's call... Darktide's population is already down by well over 100. When I logged in, I think there were 260 clients online... its normally just over 400 at this time. Once the word gets out, you'll probably see many more bow out.... Age of Conan and Warhammer can't arrive fast enough now.

I think Turbine would rather have my $60+ a month of quality UCM action than $0 from unsubbed accounts.

Hey Turbine, make sure you mail out a thank you letter to these two clowns before you turn out the lights and lock the door on the Asheron's Call division.


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I don't guess it would help any if I said it was a joint decision between both of us, and that none of my accounts have any level 275's? Not even close?

I mean, Para's been playing a heckuva lot longer time than I have. My first account was made in Nov '02.

I tried.



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If he didn't UCM, his vassals did. If those UCMers contributed to him being 275 I'd still call him a hypocrite.

I'd like him to reroll level 1 and level up to 275 again with no UCM..we'll see how much fun he has.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Furby_Grenade posted:
uhhh no.

Thing is, since he is 275 he is just thinking about himself and his own well-being and now that he is max level he doesn't want anyone else to get there as easy as he did.

That's called being selfish, and i find it disgusting.

It's like hiding in Blood on Darktide to level up to 275, then when you're at 275 you join another guild and start bashing blood and talking trash about them all the time.

Do you honestly believe this change was made to keep other people from getting to 275? That is the most absurd thing I have ever heard.

Blood hiding, leveling, and leaving was a classic DT strategy. I find your analogy poor! People are allowed to use different things according to their needs, and they have no right to expect those things to be provided by other people.

He hasn't even done anything to stop UCMing at all with these moves. On white worlds, you get 5 vit and sit at your lifestone. Big deal. On DT you get 5 vit, then sit at the ls until you detect a PK, and logoff. The only even marginal change is the components issue, and with the absurd amount of burden characters can handle, this will come up about once every 16 hours? If you aren't even checking in that often, it is still only 5 vit and a body you can run and grab when you get back. 5 vitae instead of just logging off in no way ruins the game.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Fair_Weather posted:
He hasn't even done anything to stop UCMing at all with these moves. On white worlds, you get 5 vit and sit at your lifestone. Big deal. On DT you get 5 vit, then sit at the ls until you detect a PK, and logoff. The only even marginal change is the components issue, and with the absurd amount of burden characters can handle, this will come up about once every 16 hours? If you aren't even checking in that often, it is still only 5 vit and a body you can run and grab when you get back. 5 vitae instead of just logging off in no way ruins the game.

His intention is to prevent UCM'ing, I wouldn't be surprised if they concoct some more pathetic ideas in the next update.

Will you be on his side then?


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Thanks for the response Paraduck.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Why do you feel he has a responsibility to allow everyone else to UCM? Because you think he did? Sure, for the sake of argument I'll assume he macroed his ass off. In fact, I'll even give you the hypothetical concession that he is UCMing a dozen accounts as we speak. So what? Because he isn't helping you to do the same he is somehow in the wrong? It is that sense of entitlement that I have a problem with.

They can put any limitations they want onto their programs, to the point of, and beyond, making UCMing with it impossible, and I won't have any problems with it, or consider them hypocrites for it. So I doubt that will shift my viewpoint.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Would it help to say we're discussing ways to modify some of these changes to try to find a middle-ground here? I mean, nothing we do here is set in stone.

Though, the flying accusations and personal attacks are getting old and isn't really helping to turn our discussion around either.



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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
This game died 3 years ago, and they're just now making an attempt to deter UCM. yeah, I don't think so... just a little too late.

Don't even try to pull the "better late, than never." because that isn't the case at all.

Anyways, I'm done arguing..fair, you of all people should not even be defending these morons, you have UCM'd plenty of characters yourself..hell I bet you are right now.

This. Is. A. Game

All these rules, all these stupid little "moves" to ban UCM need to stop.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Crelic_MT posted:
Would it help to say we're discussing ways to modify some of these changes to try to find a middle-ground here? I mean, nothing we do here is set in stone.

Though, the flying accusations and personal attacks are getting old and isn't really helping to turn our discussion around either.


Don't you wish you could take back the update, and ask the community for input rather than making such a terrible decision so quickly?


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Your beef is with Turbine, not us.



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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Crelic_MT posted:
Your beef is with Turbine, not us.


I dont have a problem with turbine at all..they've basically given up doing the whole "anti-ucm" thing except when people report others. You're actually trying to re-establish the whole movement and get more attention than it really deserves imo.


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And you did your part, through admitted UCMing, to help destroy the game.

What's your point?


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
UCMing was inevitable..I mean honestly, to be able to compete in this game you need to be high level...i don't want to sit in an olthoi dungeon and kill the same mob..over..and over..and over.. again.


If they truly wanted to end UCM'ing and all programs like that they would have done so when the game actually had a decent playerbase.

too late now.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
And you really think the discussion would be any different than it is now? I don't think anything would've been different... no different than asking if everyone wants admin alarm removed. It would've resulted in a flamefest, with us being the bad guys, blahblahblah.

I said somewhere else before... most people here don't care about Turbine or the community as a whole, they only care about themselves. If what we change doesn't help, improve, or give an advantage to themselves as an individual, then they're going to be loud mouthed and fight it til they're blue in the face.

What "everyone" really wants is an unrestricted plugin that will let them macro and alert to their hearts content. At that point, Turbine would have to enforce the rules on their own (which "Everyone" knows doesn't happen and would get away with it), and I'd assume Decal would ban it immediately.

So what's the point here? It's more of a risk to UCM, that's our point. What's your's? I'm trying to understand here.



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Don't get me wrong, I completely disagree with their actions. I feel they won't accomplish what they intend them to, and also feel that UCMing is a very important part of the health of Asheron's Call, especially Darktide.

I also think that Turbine is starting to go in the right direction in terms of creating content that does not cater to the macroing community. The graveyard and coll are two elements that move towards creating an alternate form of advancement.

However, I think they are completely entitled to this move. I am sure they receive plenty of pressure from the anti-macro community, and if this helps them dodge even some of that, good for them. They have zero, none, zip responsibility for providing AC players with worry-free UCMing opportunities.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Crelic_MT posted:
And you really think the discussion would be any different than it is now? I don't think anything would've been different... no different than asking if everyone wants admin alarm removed. It would've resulted in a flamefest, with us being the bad guys, blahblahblah.

Atleast the community would respect you. It was fine before this, now you made a mistake and you still have time to redeem yourself.

Crelic_MT posted:

I said somewhere else before... most people here don't care about Turbine or the community as a whole, they only care about themselves. If what we change doesn't help, improve, or give an advantage to themselves as an individual, then they're going to be loud mouthed and fight it til they're blue in the face.

How does implementing this solve anything, honestly? Turbine chose to make UCM'ing illegal, and they knew they would be fighting a never-ending war.[/quote]

Crelic_MT posted:

What "everyone" really wants is an unrestricted plugin that will let them macro and alert to their hearts content. At that point, Turbine would have to enforce the rules on their own (which "Everyone" knows doesn't happen and would get away with it), and I'd assume Decal would ban it immediately.

Things were fine before you made this little update, why not uphold the status quo? Did you really need the attention that bad?

Crelic_MT posted:

So what's the point here? It's more of a risk to UCM, that's our point. What's your's? I'm trying to understand here

Not really, you're just making us go out of our way and find alternative ways to do what we were doing before this patch. The things that were implemented were definitely unnecessary


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
As for the SW and ACTool comments: Show one example of running ACTool/SW in conjunction with Lifetank that would not break the rules, ours or Turbines. Spamming /ct doesn't count Honestly, the only reasons I see for running those tools with LT is just to run scripts for alarms. I know they're used for tradebots/tinkerbots, and that's fine.. but not while LT is running as well.

You didnt read the thread that much did you? cause you would have seen it..

I used to start up my macro, load up AC-Tool and try to understand why the Tinking Cap script does what it does, how it was coded, ect ect since hes been under my GFs and my control on FF. JUST incase it breaks and I have to try, key word try, to fix it. Now because of your " new rules" you put in, I cannot do this anymore. SO you tell me.. Do you really think I am going to enjoy doing this, while I dont have something else to do? answer is a simple no, im not a code jokey, I hate writing code ( been there done that with real early code) and wouldnt be doing it if I wasnt running tinking cap for the benifit of the server. I have my own maxed/auged tinker thanks to some friends on my account.

alarms are not ( last time I checked ) against turbines CoC.. Which lets face facts, is the important coc here. You changing stuff has made my playtime/experience with AC gone in the crapper. I dont UCM, but lets face facts.. its not your job to police AC.. If someone wants to UCM, they take the chance of getting caught by the ppl whos job it is TO police the game.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
agreed .. the alarms are in no way against the CoC, as if you are AFK (out of the house) you won't even hear it unless you have some sort of baby monitor hooked up near your comp..which if you do you deserve to be banned anyways


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
I think it's a dumb move but since I know nothing about programming there's nothing I can do about it. All I can foresee in the coming months is plugins being released that will log you out which will then subsequently be banned by Para. If I can't UCM I will most definitely quit AC as it's pointless being less than level 180 on DT and manual hunting lost it's appeal long ago. If you are really serious about being anti UCM I don't know why you took over the plugin in the first place. This plugin was purely designed for UCM and it's too bad Spk decided to stop development.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
I give up on the poorly formed arguments against this.


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Title: Poppy's Plaything
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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Furby_Grenade posted:
Atleast the community would respect you. It was fine before this, now you made a mistake and you still have time to redeem yourself.

In all honesty, as far as the community goes and my involvement with Lifetank, I'm pretty sure a majority are glad that we are keeping the plugin alive and it's basic function working. As far as respect goes, I didn't expect to gain any from anyone. IMO I'm pretty sure, because of the louder nay-sayers, that a fair amount of people hate us for doing this and I've accepted it. It seems to me I'm damned no matter what route I take and I've yet to see anything to change my views. That's why I haven't went out of my way to discuss beforehand these controversial functions.

Furby_Grenade posted:

How does implementing this solve anything, honestly? Turbine chose to make UCM'ing illegal, and they knew they would be fighting a never-ending war.

I don't think it's the UCM part that really affect me as a player, it's the person doing the UCMing. It's those who UCM in large dungeons where ACM's don't want to see them, those who are UCM that leech xp or has died and camping the LS because no one is home, those who camp quest dungeons, etc... overall those who seem to intentionally ruin the game experience of others, while using a plugin with our names on it. I believe you could UCM, even though against the wishes of Turbine, but not affect other players who are attending.

For the most part, it's the abusers who've brought this action to everyone.

Furby_Grenade posted:

Things were fine before you made this little update, why not uphold the status quo? Did you really need the attention that bad?

I'm not here for the attention, the +1, or whatever you want to call it. I knew maintaining this plugin would bring alot of UNWANTED attention, but I did it because I still believed people use it in a somewhat "honorable" manner. It's the people who abuse it, and blatantly break the rules that piss me off, and then get mad when we have to remove a legit function that has a good use, because it was abused.

Furby_Grenade posted:

Not really, you're just making us go out of our way and find alternative ways to do what we were doing before this patch. The things that were implemented were definitely unnecessary

I'm sorry that you feel you'll have to use other plugins to gain what you're looking for. We're talking about making some improvements and re-introducing a few things this weekend.



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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Shiba-X posted:
You didnt read the thread that much did you? cause you would have seen it..
Yes, I have.

And with that being said, I have absolutely no idea what the heck you're trying to say. You can run ACTool, Skunkworks, and Lifetank still all you want. You just can't have then running while Lifetank is in action.

So.. confused

The alarm topic was brought up, flamed over, closed, beat to death then forgotten again. They haven't officially said the alarms are against the rules, but it's been strongly expressed. Either way, those WERE a choice to remove. If you are attended, you don't need a noise to know you died, an unfriendly has showed up, or an envoy is in the area. You have eyes and a brightly colored text alert. Those are very easy to see when you're sitting there.



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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
k3ny posted:
k3ny posted:
Without saying its against the ToS explain how detering UCMing will help the game?


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
I wish you would stop quoting that.. the first 5 times were enough. You'd think when everyone ignored you that you'd give up.

Because any example anyone gives you're probably going to call BS on and start another PA/flamefest war.


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Subject: LifetankXI Released!
Even if we added a "Quit Fellow upon Death" feature, do you HONESTLY think people would turn in on? I very highly doubt it.

As for the SW and ACTool comments: Show one example of running ACTool/SW in conjunction with Lifetank that would not break the rules, ours or Turbines. Spamming /ct doesn't count rolling_eyes Honestly, the only reasons I see for running those tools with LT is just to run scripts for alarms. I know they're used for tradebots/tinkerbots, and that's fine.. but not while LT is running as well.


to respond to this, expecialy when we are questing we are running a long dungon to quest and i have 3 or 4 vassels that did not want to train item magic I can run the tinkerbot or buff bot onthe fly with out having to log out or drop out of fellow. that is how I use lt and SW scrips. now you just disabled my questing with my vassels because your small narrow mind could not think of this obvious reason for me to run both LT and the SW scripts. get a effing clue and insted of forcing people


only then can you say your helping the ac popluation


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