Author Topic: Decal is lagging and locking up
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Subject: Decal is lagging and locking up
Happens with or without plugins, but worse with plugins especially when the plugin window is open. Ill be hunting, buffing, or just standing around, things will get a little choppy, then ill look at my packet loss and ping, packet loss jumps from 0 to anywhere up to 50%, then my ping jumps from almost 0 to over 6000. Occasionally it will calm down but lately it will fully lock up causing me to have to restart or kill AC through the task manager. With no decal on this doesnt help. I use LifeTankXI, AC+, Radar Addon, Combater2. Ive tried it with only LT, only Combater, only AC+, no combination works. Is there a fix im missing?


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Title: Lore Master
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Subject: Decal is lagging and locking up
what are the specs on your PC? Decal and some plugins especially Lifetank are resources hogs. Everyone see a drop in frame rate and lag. This is just the way it is. If your PC is powerful it is no big deal. Some people just not going to be able to play. effectively.

The other thing to look into is what else your PC doing? Are you running things like AIM? Do you have adaware. Have cleaned up PC disk drive. defraged it? Removed little annoying tasks from your machine like adobe quick launch.


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Posts: 19,779
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Subject: Decal is lagging and locking up
My specs are
Intel T2300 1.66GHz Dual Core intel
1gb RAM
ATI Mobility Radeon X1400
60gb hdd.

I run adaware and a virus scanner daily, when Im playing AC its only AC, Decal, Trillian, AVG, explorer, svchost, running. Before I stopped playing AC I never had these problems. Happens even when I run with no plugins so they arent to blame.


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Subject: Decal is lagging and locking up
My set up:

Intel 2.8 Dual Core
2.0 Ram
256 ATI Radion 1600

That's barely enough to keep AC and Decal running with only one plug-in. Both AC and Decal have become resource hogs lately. And some plug-ins are just as bad. That's especially true if your connection slows down at times like mine does. When that happens, I get the same problem you describe.


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Posts: 19,779
Registered: Jan 29, '03
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User ID: 764,614
Subject: Decal is lagging and locking up
Seems to have fixed itself. Only when I have the plugin window open (to change options and stuff) do I get a framerate loss now.


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