Author Topic: ISO: plugin that tracks XP passed and recieved.
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Subject: ISO: plugin that tracks XP passed and recieved.
please post if you have one or know of one thanks.


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Subject: ISO: plugin that tracks XP passed and recieved.
It's not possible. I've tried.

Basically, when you receive xp, there's no indication whatsoever of where it came from- you can make assumptions, such as if you've just logged in you can assume it's vassal xp, but if you're in a fellow with a vassal and other players, there's no way to know when you get xp whether it's passup, shared in fellow, or from your own kills. My plugin AC+ assumes any xp received at the same time as it witnesses either a death message or death animation on the creature you last attacked is xp from that creature, but even that's just a best guess.

As for checking on how much you've passed up to your patron on the allegiance info page- it caps at 4.2 billion. I've passed up about 8 billion to my patron, but that number never changes, so I couldn't use it to see how much I'm passing up. You could potentially calculate how much you're passing up to your patron, but you'd need to know exactly what their leadership is, how many vassals they've got, and exactly how long you've been sworn to them. And that would only work on what you're passing up, not what's been passed to you.


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Subject: ISO: plugin that tracks XP passed and recieved.
well how did treestats do it?


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Subject: ISO: plugin that tracks XP passed and recieved.
It used to be that instead of capping out it just reset, I think.


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Subject: ISO: plugin that tracks XP passed and recieved.
Yeah, before ToD it rolled around to 0 when it hit the 4 billion mark. I'm not 100% sure, but I believe the treestats web site detected when the xp passed up had gone DOWN, and assumed it had rolled round and recalculated it. That's not possible any more now that it just caps.


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Subject: ISO: plugin that tracks XP passed and recieved.
well that sucks =(


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