Author Topic: Wondring if there are a plugin thats counts DI trofis?
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Subject: Wondring if there are a plugin thats counts DI trofis?
Seen there are one for the deep on vissy... but havent seen any one for Death Island trofys....
been great if there whas one that can hand in and count how manny u turn inn and what u get after 100..... ceeps track on how manny u got left ect....

If there are one that dose this please post the link for it ^^

(not the vissy plugin)

--- Lochness ---


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Registered: Sep 2, '03
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Subject: Wondring if there are a plugin thats counts DI trofis?
I know it's not the same, but Alinco tracks totals on trophy pick-ups. It keeps the total beyond logout. So if you turn in all that you pick up, you'd have a pretty good accounting.


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