Author Topic: Is it possible to see or edit 3d objects in the AC Cell Dat?
Title: I Love Boobies. And Butts, too!
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Subject: Is it possible to see or edit 3d objects in the AC Cell Dat?
For instance editing a weapon to look bigger, edit a hairstyle, change the shape of monsters(all client side changes, they don't effect what other people see), that kind of thing.

With the AC View program you can see some 2d images that wrap around the 3d objects to make what they look like, specifically I saw mostly TOD images. Any way that a similar program could be made to see the 3d objects that these images wrap around, possibly extract and edit, then replace? The changes are completely client side and wouldn't effect anybody else in AC.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, sent me a PM or post a reply. Thanks.

edit: And if this isn't allowed under Turbine or IGN/VN's rules, please lock the thread or send me a PM, thanks.


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Title: I Love Boobies. And Butts, too!
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Subject: Is it possible to see or edit 3d objects in the AC Cell Dat?

Anybody even know what file format the 3d objects are in?


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Subject: Is it possible to see or edit 3d objects in the AC Cell Dat?
I think it's RenderWare? I seem to remember something about that.

But, I've never fiddled around with it.


Edit: No, wait... LightWave.


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Title: I Love Boobies. And Butts, too!
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Subject: Is it possible to see or edit 3d objects in the AC Cell Dat?
Edit: Although it was used for the original AC, I believe turbine used a new 3d format with the TOD graphics update,and that's why everybody was required to download the new file, even if you didn't have TOD.


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Subject: Is it possible to see or edit 3d objects in the AC Cell Dat?
I don't know how 'new' they could go... It would still have to be readable by the engine.

There was a graphics update, if that's what you're talking about. But, I don't think they would have changed the type of files, from LightWave to something else...

I could be wrong, though.


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Title: I Love Boobies. And Butts, too!
Posts: 17,344
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Subject: Is it possible to see or edit 3d objects in the AC Cell Dat?
I couldn't find the post again, but the reason I thought that was because they said they changed all the file formats in the cell dat with the TOD update. Maybe they used to be in editable format before and not .bin?

when I extract the 3d object from the cell dat it's in .bin form. Lightwave can't open the file, and I can't find any converter that will make the file a .lightwave format


#dnn #og-ac
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Title: I Love Boobies. And Butts, too!
Posts: 17,344
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User ID: 1,226,605
Subject: Is it possible to see or edit 3d objects in the AC Cell Dat?
nvm, here we go:
can even see the margul in what looks like the lightwave editor. just have to figure out how to convert the .bin to a lightwave editable format...


#dnn #og-ac
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