Author Topic: I screwed up my plug-in order! Help!
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Subject: I screwed up my plug-in order! Help!
So, I've been told it's possible to rearrange the plugin order in Decal, but I'm having a very hard time at it.

I'm not sure if it's my configuration or what, but, it will only move things around every once in a while, and rarely to the place I want them to go. I can drag it, and most of the time it ignores me, but other times, it seems to rearrange a bunch of things.

So, I was wondering, is there some sort of XML or registry setting where you can manually alter the order?

I had to uninstall and reinstall Decal, because I accidentally removed Decal Hotkey System... And when it got reinstalled, it put everything in a different order, and it's driving me crazy!

I hope someone can help. I'd really appreciate it. happy



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Subject: I screwed up my plug-in order! Help!
In the registry at "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Decal\Plugins" there is a string entry called "Order" with gibberish as it's value. I double-clicked on it and changed it to "123456" then went through each plugin key listed under it (big long gibberish looking numbers) and changed each "Order" entry in them to be where I wanted it to be in the list.

For example:
I changed the "Order" entry under "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Decal\Plugins\{0c212d60-8708-4043-a09b-e6c0387a0a8d}" to 1 so it would show up first. Then I changed the "Order" entry under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Decal\Plugins\{4338186e-7ae8-4b9e-985d-98d692036ea8}" to 2 so it would be second. So on and so forth. Worked like a charm.

I suppose you'd have to start using letters or something in the main "Order" string if you have more than ten plugins. I've heard others say to just drag the plugins where you want them in the Decal list but that never works for me.


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