Author Topic: Lifetank and the Hotfix
Title: Poppy's Plaything
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Subject: Lifetank and the Hotfix
We are aware of an issue the new Hotfix has with Lifetank and other plugins that tend to send way too many commands to the server way too fast.
We have spoken about it, and may have brainstormed a solution to adjust some of the timers.

However, with this being the week of the 4th, my work schedule is going to be hectic and extremely long so I'm not sure when I'll be able to release our own hotfix.

I'll try my best tomorrow to recompile and test, but if I'm working a 12 or 14 hour day.. well forgive me if I leave work to come straight home and pass out.

When I find something new, I'll let everyone know. Until now, a suggested work around is to disable "Turbo" mode. It's under one of the Option tabs in the plugin. That may alleviate some of the too-quick-timer problems and maybe last a little longer in game.



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Subject: Lifetank and the Hotfix
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Subject: Lifetank and the Hotfix
Yeah I figured deactivating turbo would help a bit, that's what I was telling some guildies to do.

With that and turning off all my other add-on's I haven't had too much of a problem.


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Subject: Lifetank and the Hotfix
was on for 13+ hours with turbo on never got booted...jsut chugged right along like a good cho cho should


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Subject: Lifetank and the Hotfix
/\ i can only do max 20 mins before boot wthout turbo


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Subject: Lifetank and the Hotfix
I do not use turbo mode at all and have been booted 4 times in as many minutes in atlans lab fighting incendiary knights, other times I last hours, other times it's as I enter a dungeon, 100+ defiled temple, happened twice there.

I may be missing something but it can't be spam at the server as I can spam quicker wars etc manually, than lifetank does with or without turbo running.

Have a good 4th and hopefully sometime after you'll find a fix for us all. ))


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Subject: Lifetank and the Hotfix
I was on for 10 hours with no boot in Turbo mode.


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Subject: Lifetank and the Hotfix
This morning I had no problem with lifetank running...I sat there and ran it for 4 hours straight with no problems.

Once primetime hit around 4-5pm EST, I started getting booted regularly while running lifetank.

I really think that the problem is with their servers and not the plugins. It seems that the more people that come alone, the worse that they run. That basically makes sense but seriously they should be able to handle the small numbers that are logging on daily.

I remember when there used to be 2000+ and not nearly the lag that we have now.


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Subject: Lifetank and the Hotfix
abdul depends where all the folks are concentrated, if you got 2000 folks spread on 10 servers maybe not much of a problem.

you got 300 folks spread on 3 or 2 dungeons (probably same server) then you may have problems.

possibly as the number of LTx users spamming the server increase problems might occur. one E.G. one ltx user in EO np, 8 in the EO problems.


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