Author Topic: Minor upgrade to AKA - now V1.0.1.1
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Subject: Minor upgrade to AKA - now V1.0.1.1
It now substitutes alias's when you to /t or @t as well as /tell or @tell.
Well, you learn something new every day. 6 years of playing AC, and I never realised you could do /t instead of /tell.



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Title: Punstress
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Subject: Minor upgrade to AKA - now V1.0.1.1
There's one odd side-effect, not precisely a bug, with AKA...
If the alias you use for a player, is actually a player's name, you won't be able to /t the alias directly.

For example, someone has the name "G E O R G E" (I hate spaced out names...)

I set an AKA alias of "George"

However, that same player has an alt with the name "George"

Now, I can't /t the alt.

The workaround, obviously, is to change the AKA alias. Still, it's odd.


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Subject: Minor upgrade to AKA - now V1.0.1.1
I haven't tried it, but I think you should be able to set the same alias to his real name as well, so you'd have 'george' as an alias for 'G E O R G E' AND an alias of 'george' for 'george', and it will try to /tell both, and if they're alts, obviously only one will work. If they're different players however, you do run the risk of accidentally /tell'ing both of them, if they're both logged on.

Someone in my allegiance has quite a few alts and I've got the same alias set up for all of them. That way I don't need to worry about which one's logged on, I just /tell to the alias and whichever character they're on, they hear it.

All the plugin does is pick up any /tell's, checks if it's got an alias for the name used, and subsitutes in the real name it knows about. If that real name happens to be the same as the alias, I don't see any reason why that wouldn't work.



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Title: Punstress
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Subject: Minor upgrade to AKA - now V1.0.1.1
It won't send to "George" at all if he's on as George. Even if he's standing right next to me and I target him and select Tell To.

Again, not a big issue, I simply chose a different alias. However, I can't send him a regular tell at all if I use "George"


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Subject: Minor upgrade to AKA - now V1.0.1.1
Did you try doing /aka George George ?


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Title: Punstress
Posts: 1,718
Registered: Sep 24, '02
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User ID: 719,834
Subject: Minor upgrade to AKA - now V1.0.1.1
I'll try that, and as I said, it's not a big deal. I noticed it right after your first release and have just worked around it. I really do love the functionality. That said, I prefer being able to use both the built-in AC functions and the AKA functions. In an ideal world, I should be able to use the AKA function when he's on as G E O R G E, and the /t George AC function when he's on as George. Doesn't mean I don't love the program, tho. I have followers with names like "I-h-a-v-e-h-y-p-h-e-n-i-s-s-u-e-s"
No kidding. *sighs*

[Edit: when I /t George, I don't get any indication that the tell wasn't sent. He just never receives it]


****Disclaimer: Any errors in spelling, tact, or diplomacy are transmission errors. . .
Diplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggy" until you can find a rock
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