Author Topic: New Plugin: MiniMap
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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
Just got my latest creation working. It basically adds dungeon walls to the radar, a bit like Magellan use to do, except it adds it to the radar instead of showing it separately.

Download it here:
You'll also need the latest version of Radar Add-on for it to work (V1.1.0.0) or later.
Download that here:

Nobody's tested this except myself at this point, and I don't have an account with ToD active right now, so there's quite a few dungeons it's never been tested in. If there any problems, let me know.

Here's a couple of screenies: (That's the top of the subway)



Edit: Before I forget, HUGE thanks to Akilla for all the help deciphering AC's data files, that could have taken me months doing that from scratch.


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
nice =0


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap

holy map plugins Batman!

this is sweet and awesome! i am druling and dl at the same time, wonder which one will get done 1st?

since it will draw the map in the radar, is there a way to get it to save it and have the dungeon drawn out in like a text file or something for mapping purposes? was thinking that something like that might help ACMaps out for dungeons they dont have yet. this would be an option say you could turn on and off.


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
Very coolio


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
Any plans to be able to add anything to the map, so we can mark traps and monster spawns?

Very nice plugin. Thanks for making it. happy

Sometimes the radar becomes a black square.. (I can show you screenshots if you haven't already seen it..) It fixes itself when you log out/in or enter a portal. Just thought I'd point that out..


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
Hm.. haven't seen that happen myself. I know what circumstances can cause it, but I didn't think it was possible for it to get to that state. Can you reproduce the problem?

Edit: Hold that thought, it just happened to me. I'll look into it.


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
Just wanted to say I love the plugin....perfect for some of directionaly challenged people happy

Its now on my favorites list of plugins



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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
Hm.. haven't seen that happen myself. I know what circumstances can cause it, but I didn't think it was possible for it to get to that state. Can you reproduce the problem?

Edit: Hold that thought, it just happened to me. I'll look into it.

yes i have it happen to me, the place it 1st happened is when i portaled up to crater lake, when i stepped outta the dungeon and ran toward the middle it turned into a black sqaure. i could back up and it would go away then move forward and it would come back over and over again.

also any thoughts on the other post i made above about it recording the map?


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
I think that plugin is insane! That's great stuff. Keep up that good work. This is the kind of stuff AC need ages ago. I know they made a radar plugin before, but this one takes the cake!


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
Very nice happy . I haven't tried it yet, but does it leave "bread crumbs" where you've been?

I tried something similar myself but had too much trouble decoding the dungeon files.

This has some other interesting applications like automatically creating ACMaps-like maps of dungeons (without annotations of course), or doing route finding in dungeons.


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
"but does it leave "bread crumbs" where you've been?"

It turns the edges blue in the areas you have been. Very nifty, but doesn't have a bunch of dots like GPS's do, that show what route you took.. Probably would end up completely graying out the radar if you spend a lot of time hunting in a dungeon, though could be limited to a certain distance, I would expect.


Glad you saw the same thing..


Strangely enough, it was Crater Lake where I had it happen to me. wink


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
Got it sorted. New versions of both MiniMap and Radar Add-on are on my website, both need upgrading to fix the bug.

I did consider adding a 'breadcrumbs' idea, but as you said, the problem there is the entire map ends up filled with dots if you do that. And to be honest, is the route you took really that useful, given that it already shows you where you've been?

Route finding's tricky, as this doesn't show you where you need to jump (At the top of the subway, it just shows a gap in the wall, for example), it doesn't know about locked doors, or one way routes (again, such as the subway jump). Pre-defined routes could be possible of course, but automatically generating them is quite tricky. At the moment, the plugin doesn't actually know if it's possible to get from one block to the next, it only knows where to draw walls.


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
I'm having issues Dual Logging with this plugin turned on, It seems that while logging in and out, it crashes the client to desktop with no error or anything. Turn plugin off and no crashing. Not sure if you could test this or not.


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
Unfortunately I don't have a 2nd account I can test this with, at least not one that's active.

If anyone with the technical know-how to find out what's causing the crash can let me know, I'll see what I can do, but as I lack the ability to test any fix, I can't make any promises.

It's possible I might re-activate one of my other accounts in the future, but I can't afford to at the moment.


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
You could always just make a trial account and test with that, just make sure you cancel it before end of 14days or you'll get charged.


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
Fixed a bug when portalling within a dungeon, and got it to work with portal-less dungeons like Xarabydun, loading the dungeon when you enter.
As a side effect, it also now shows you building walls when you enter a building.

And to think I was going to come here earlier and ask if this "side effect" was a feature planned for a future release.


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
>> You could always just make a trial account and test with that, just make sure you cancel it before end of 14days or you'll get charged.

Good point. Just tried that, but it's working fine for me. Could you post a decal export?


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
I had an issue last night while I was hunting with my wife.. We went to 3 Towers, and as we went in (at the same time) she got the dungeon walls, and mine was missing the entrance walls. Dunno what caused that, and I'm not too concerned about it, because logging out and back in fixed that.. So yeah.. Just thought I'd mention it. happy

I still think this plugin is one of the most kickin-ass plugins I've seen. Nice job!


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
Is it possible you hadn't been in there before? It probably didn't pick up the data because it wasn't in the cell.dat yet. I'll probably have it re-check when you exit the portal in the next release. For now though, it doesn't do any harm, in fact it should pick up what it's missing as soon as you move.


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
I had never been there before (Since installation), so that's probably what it was.. Though my wife had never been there either.. Strange. happy


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
O...M...G you rock! Really.


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
awesome new plugin.. best one is a long while.. great job!


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
I get a ghost map everytime I relog in. If I restart AC its good, but if I'm logged in, log out and back in, I get the last drawn radar walls on the screen plus the current radar walls. The old ones don't move, just stay permanent. Have to restart AC to remove them. I'm using windowed AC mode. Here's my decal info:

Decal (DenAgent.exe) version:

type, enabled, name, version, clsid
Plugins, 1, MiniMap,, {92C09018-E815-4C22-987B-8E553154146E}
Plugins, 1, SkunkVision,, {B8B64AFD-3D96-490D-A70B-CE962227148A}
Plugins, 1, LifeTank XI,, {910C0F8E-827A-4E35-A980-50D57D0B1296}
Plugins, 1, Quest Timer,, {BB51962C-2EEE-4E67-A032-EEC1F11E66C8}
Plugins, 1, GoArrow,, {46BBF551-8578-4A59-B2FB-B5D9F4C719FA}
Plugins, 0, CastAway,, {4EB455CB-A2DA-44B6-90F2-09517A4B1476}
Plugins, 1, Alinco,, {4338186E-7AE8-4B9E-985D-98D692036EA8}
Plugins, 1, HWAC_Stats.dll,, {1D17D4A2-D62C-46B5-881E-A06EEF47D7DF}
Plugins, 0, Mob Tracker,, {0C212D60-8708-4043-A09B-E6C0387A0A8D}
Plugins, 1, Decal Hotkey System,, {6B6B9FA8-37DE-4FA3-8C60-52BD6A2F9855}
Plugins, 0, RareTracker,, {8C85C5F7-E1E2-4E85-AB38-827D1EC3A8B4}
Plugins, 1, Radar Add-on,, {CA23F8D7-7E71-423A-A928-BC5CDD8FBD96}
Network Filters, 1, ACDC Core Filter,, {2DB1B641-4039-4D69-831A-79915EC266CE}
Network Filters, 1, Echo Filter 2,, {34239EAD-6317-4C40-A405-193BA5232DD8}
Network Filters, 1, Alinco Filter,, {375A7C84-B4FD-49BB-B63D-15CCC004E979}
Network Filters, 1, Character Stats Filter,, {4540C969-08D1-46BF-97AD-6B19D3C10BEE}
Network Filters, 1, World Object Filter,, {53092D1B-F0B0-46FF-BF11-8F031EC9B137}
Network Filters, 1, Decal FileService,, {5E9B2FC3-C251-4589-8CE3-2BCA542B98B6}
Network Filters, 1, Identify Queue Filter,, {B0C05A9A-273D-4BC4-B7BA-E27CF94C8EF4}
Network Filters, 1, SpellFilter,, {C2D43735-BE7E-4829-AF73-F2E7E820EB16}
Network Filters, 1, Darkside Filter,, {F93FD48F-BA68-4BF5-A7B3-7908D1634331}
Services, 1, Decal .NET Lifetime Service,, {71A69713-6593-47EC-0001-0000000DECA1}
Services, 1, Decal Dat Service,, {37B083F0-276E-43AD-8D26-3F7449B519DC}
Services, 1, Decal Render Service,, {FB3C8286-88ED-4B4D-B413-94B40F346239}
Services, 1, Decal Inject Gateway Service,, {FEFE5CAB-10E4-404F-AD4D-184BCB506099}
Services, 1, Decal Input Service,, {B33307BA-706D-474A-80B9-70BB8D13EF3E}
Services, 1, Decal Networking Service,, {C8C406F8-BA2E-4964-8B04-FF38394A8E0E}
Services, 1, Decal D3DService,, {F0CC07A0-2C89-4FA4-9356-714665BC2F8B}
Surrogates, 1, Decal.Adapter Surrogate,, {71A69713-6593-47EC-0002-0000000DECA1}
Surrogates, 1, Prefilter Network Filter Surrogate,, {443D4A68-5422-4E0C-9460-973F8FBDB190}
Surrogates, 1, ActiveX Plugin Surrogate,, {7559F22F-C56F-4621-AE08-9C354D799D4B}
Surrogates, -1, Version 1 Plugin Surrogate,, {3D837F6E-B5CA-4604-885F-7AB45FCFA62A}
Input Actions, 1, Delay Input Action,, {324D76B8-D8C7-4A81-B867-E4E1F874E488}
Input Actions, 1, Mouse Move Input Action,, {57D18578-0BF0-4DE5-A0A9-E7CB531C0429}
Input Actions, 1, Restore Input Action,, {6EE2F682-7129-44BE-84B9-787BAE35EC1C}
Input Actions, 1, Polled Delay Input Action,, {762335B2-2274-4BB4-8B1F-F7286C949FF7}
Input Actions, 1, Typing Input Action,, {9CDCEEDC-F8AC-42D5-9A05-52B9346D00A4}
Input Actions, 1, Event Input Action,, {D6E4BD19-4900-4515-BCE2-A9EA4AAE2699}

Operating System:
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)

[Protected Storage Service] : Automatic

Decal Settings
: Timer (Default)
[Portal Path] : C:\Program Files\Turbine\Asheron's Call - Throne of Destiny\
[Launcher App] : ACDCClient.exe
[memlocs.xml] : 24536 bytes, Version
[messages.xml] : 53271 bytes, Version 2006.08.22.1
[Video Memory] : 262774784

D3DX Libraries (Only d3dx9_30 is required)
[d3dx9_24.dll] : Installed (
[d3dx9_25.dll] : Installed (
[d3dx9_26.dll] : Installed (
[d3dx9_27.dll] : Installed (
[d3dx9_28.dll] : Installed (9.10.455.0)
[d3dx9_29.dll] : Installed (9.11.519.0)
[d3dx9_30.dll] : Installed (9.12.589.0)

---Support Libraries ---
Note: The following libraries are not necessary for Decal to function and are only provided to be of use to plugin developers.

.NET Frameworks
[v1.0.3705] (1.0 Final) : Not Installed
[v1.1.4322] (1.1 Final) : Installed (Service Pack 1)
[v2.0.50215] (2.0 Beta 2) : Not Installed
[v2.0.50727] (2.0 Final) : Installed

C++ Libraries
[msvbvm60.dll] : Installed (
[atl70.dll] : Not Installed
[mfc70.dll] : Not Installed
[msvcr70.dll] : Not Installed
[msvcp70.dll] : Not Installed
[atl71.dll] : Installed (7.10.3077.0)
[mfc71.dll] : Installed (7.10.3077.0)
[msvcr71.dll] : Installed (7.10.3052.4)
[msvcp71.dll] : Installed (7.10.3077.0)

Microsoft XML Libraries
[msxml3.dll] : Installed (8.70.1113.0)
[msxml4.dll] : Installed (4.20.9841.0)

---Video Device Information---
[Device] : RADEON 9250
[Device Name] : \\.\DISPLAY1
[KeyDeviceID] : Enum\PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5960&SUBSYS_0250174B&REV_01
[KeyDeviceKey] : \Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Video\{D161F275-673D-4523-BFED-C34BDCEA695B}\0000
[Manufacturer] : ATI Technologies Inc.
[ChipType] : RADEON 9200 Series (0x5960)
[DACType] : Internal DAC(400MHz)
[Revision] :
[MemoryLocalised] : 256.0 MB
[MemoryEnglish] : 256.0 MB
[DisplayLocalised] : 1024 x 768 (32 bit) (75Hz)
[DisplayEnglish] : 1024 x 768 (32 bit) (75Hz)
[DisplayWidth] : 1024
[DisplayHeight] : 768
[DisplayBpp] : 32
[RefreshRate] : 75
[MonitorName] : Plug and Play Monitor
[MonitorMaxRes] : 1600,1200
[DriverName] : ati2dvag.dll
[DriverVersion] : 6.14.0010.6497
[DriverAttributes] : Final Retail
[DriverLangEnglish] : English
[DriverLangLocal] : English
[DriverDateEng] : 11/24/2004 10:20:16
[DriverDateLocal] : 11/24/2004 10:20:16
[DriverSize] : 221184
[MiniVdd] : ati2mtag.sys
[MiniVddDateEng] : 11/24/2004 10:19:54
[MiniVddDateLocal] : 11/24/2004 10:19:54
[MiniVddSize] : 872960
[Vdd] : n/a
[RenderWindow] : Yes
: No
[Debug] : No
[Signed] : No
[SignValid] : No
: {D7B71EE2-1A20-11CF-9A6D-5A22A0C2CB35}
[DDIVer] : 9
[DDIVerEng] : 9 (or higher)
[DDIVerLocal] : 9 (or higher)
: 0
[VendorID] : 0x1002
[DeviceID] : 0x5960
[SubSystemID] : 0x0250174B
[RevisionID] : 0x0001
[WHQL Level] : 0
[NoHardware] : 0
[DDAccelEnabled] : Yes
[3DAccelExists] : Yes
[3DAccelEnabled] : Yes
[AGP Enabled] : Yes
[AGPExists] : No
[AGPExistsValid] : Yes


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
Very nice Plugin. Good Job. grin


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
Took me all of 30 seconds to become completely dependent on this plugin- nice work.


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
Corpse Tracker

Still working? I am gonna fart around on my friends 275 account and pkl some p33pz.


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
WOW.... Just Wow!

One thing that could be added is a command or a button to clear the blue lines...
And possibly one to disable them from comming up. When I hunt I don't need them there :P


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
>>I get a ghost map everytime I relog in. If I restart AC its good, but if I'm logged in, log out and back in, I get the last drawn radar walls on the screen plus the current radar walls. The old ones don't move, just stay permanent. Have to restart AC to remove them. I'm using windowed AC mode. Here's my decal info:

I've tried logging out and in again while dual-logged, but I still can't replicate this problem. I can't see anything blindingly obvious in the export either. To be honest, unless I can find a way to re-create the problem, or unless someone else has a similar problem I can compare it with, there's not much I can suggest really.

The only thing I can think of that might be worth trying is to see if it's a different plugin somehow interfering with it, although I can't see how. Try disabling all plugins except minimap and radar, and if it still does it, at least I'll be able to rule out anything another plugin's doing. If it DOES work properly on it's own, re-enable your other plugins one by one until the fault appears again, and hopefully that'll give some indication of which one's causing it. Like I said though, I can't imagine how any other plugin could be causing a problem like this, so I'm really grasping at straws here but it's all I can suggest.

As far as other people's suggestions- I'm taking my standard approach of releasing the initial version with the basic functionality, and basing future development on feedback. I've already decided that the ability to turn the map on or off altogether is probably a good idea.



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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
Disabled all plugins but Radar and Minimap. Still does it.

I'm not closing the AC client, just logging out and then back in.

Also, I'm using windowed mode. I also have all the settings in AC turned to the max. Not sure if that info helps. But ya, still having the same problem. Thanks.


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
tamas said: "Took me all of 30 seconds to become completely dependent on this plugin- nice work."



Thank you very much for this plugin - it's awesome!


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
Another suggestion, saving the bread crumbs for a dungeon grin Would be complete and total ownage for leading quests. Would be a little work but it would be amazing! Well.. More amazing then what it already is.. Thanks again for this fantastic plugin!


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
Please add code so anyone in fellow during quests I'm leading cannot stray outside the blue walls on MY radar. Thx

happy hehe happy

Great plug in, I love it
Now I can finally let go hope ACMegellan comes back.

At first I thought I'd prefer it in its own window that I could resize and move but I have enough stuff cluttering my screen now. Using the radar works well.

One small suggestion, no biggie. Possible to maybe add option to select differant colors? Would help colorblind people if they could use differant color maybe if they having trouble with the blue.

Not a criticism at all, this is by far a much wanted and waited on plugin (for me at least) and if you never add another thing to it will still be one of my favorites.

Thank you very much

PS There is times you do need to retrace your steps like when you go one way to throw a lever then come back fast before door closes. Don't need bread crumbs though, the blue walls work fine. I found myself running after throwing lever in wasteland hive just watching radar screen and not looking at view at all. Worked excellant



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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
only thing about it that I dont like is that it takes up room on my decal bar =p lol


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
To be honest, I thought it's presence on the bar was necessary for it to work for some reason. Not sure why I thought that, but anyway, as I'm reluctant to do any plugin that has a view until Decal's new view system is in, I'll probably remove it in the next release.

I'm probably not going to release another version until I get a glitch in the Radar plugin fixed- I don't know if anybody's noticed, but when it's drawing walls near the edge of the radar, it often draws them at a slightly odd angle, or occasionally not at all. The reason for it doing this is that the maths of figuring out what to draw when a wall would be partially off the map is quite difficult, and I don't think I've got it quite right. It might just be a rounding error though, but I haven't got the time to study it at the moment. It's not bad enough to be a serious issue, so it's not high on my priority list.

I know the Radar plugin is on the decal bar as well, despite not doing anything other than tell you what version it's running, but at least with Radar Add-on, it had been my intention to add in the ability to change the color and style of the blips it adds to the radar using some sort of interface. Again though, I probably won't do this until the new view system's in, so I might just remove the icon if I release an update before then.

I'm glad people like it though, although I missed Magellan myself, one thing I never liked about it was the fact it drew a wireframe of the entire dungeon which was often a lot more detail than was necessary, and I was determined not to have mine do that especially given that I was drawing the walls in a much more confined space. It took me ages to work out the logic and maths of where to draw walls from this data though, it currently draws a line where a surface that has an angle steep enough to be a wall meets one where the angle is shallow enough to be a floor. That's why it doesn't draw walls round the 'pit' area of the subway above the portals- that wall never meets a floor. I haven't found a way of determining how to draw these that wouldn't involve drawing in a lot of detail you wouldn't want, but again, it's not a huge problem, so I'm not too worried about it.

I just wish I could fix that problem Sir_Horibu's having. Sorry bud, but without being able to replicate the problem, or at least having someone else with the same problem, I've no idea what's causing it.



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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
Wow! Thanks, nice plugin!



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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
Hey thorfinn, no biggie, it is something to do with windowed mode ac. I can get rid of the ghosting by changing ac over to full screen mode then back to windowed mode. As far as the two clients thing, i just don't run two clients while having minimap loaded, simple solutions for the problems.


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
Excellent plugin!! Thanks for sharing it with us! applause


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
nice plugin!


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
I love you.

All I needed to say.


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Subject: New Plugin: MiniMap
Wow.. nice ...ty


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