Author Topic: Ok someone please help me with this.
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Subject: Ok someone please help me with this.
I have downloaded the new Decal, Updated it.

Got the New Direct X Files. the new .NET files. after Working out a couple of errors trying to get Decal to work doing a clean install on all programs i have put on.

I NOW dont have any Errors when i run Decal and AC together but... NOTHING shows up in AC. as in no Bar For Decal at all.

Someone Please tell me what i have done wrong i cant see another person who has this same thing as me on the boards from what i am looking at.




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Subject: Ok someone please help me with this.
read the sticky threads.

post an export.


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Subject: Ok someone please help me with this.
drakier, since you are here and maybe others of the experts

HOW does decal work, if at all, with the new net 3.3 update that is currently downloadable?


Ag Nar
Portal Mule Master of the Loresraat
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Subject: Ok someone please help me with this.
open up options...and click "use alternate injection method" that should solve your problem if you have the req files and no errors on install


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Subject: Ok someone please help me with this.
it doesn't

.NET 2.0 and .Net 3.* are not the same product, just as .NET 1.0 and .NET 1.1 and .NET 2.0 were not the same product.

they do basically the same thing, but all applications compiled against a specific version need THAT version to run. 2.0 was more of a "upgrade" than 1.1 was, but basically most applications require their specific framework installed in order to run properly.

That means that most users should have .NET 1.0, .NET 1.1, and .NET 2.0 installed in addition to anything else that comes out.


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Subject: Ok someone please help me with this.
Ok, so no pressing need for dl'ing 3.0 (it's 3.0 not 3.3) at this time.

as plugins are 'compiled' against net 3.0, then it will be required.

if i recall rightly, you can have 1 or 1.1 and 2.x installed at the same time.

I was originally thinking if i DL'ed 3.0 it would replace 2.x and then I might have troubles, but if it just adds to a path list then i could have 2.x and 3.0 installed and programs that needed would select the appropriate Net version to use.

IS that correct assumption, ie dl'ing 3.0 is not needed ATM but it shouldn't present any problems if DL'ed.


Ag Nar
Portal Mule Master of the Loresraat
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Title: Lore Master
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Subject: Ok someone please help me with this.
Correct. You can have all the .NETs installed at once. Each application will look for and use the .NET that it requires. If you do not have the .NET that an app is looking the App will not work.


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