Author Topic: CraftBot 1.0.2629.8 Released!
Title: quantum mechanic
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Subject: CraftBot 1.0.2629.8 Released!
This release contains a critical bug fix which can cause the bot to steal items.
Bug Fixes:

- Fixed a bug where the bot will not close the trade window and keep items after crafting.

New Features:

- Added toggles for advertising tier 4 rare and mail abilities when a trade window is opened.
To get this release, head on over to the download page.


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Title: Official Lifestone Polisher
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Subject: CraftBot 1.0.2629.8 Released!
Thank you Paraduck, for getting it out so fast! (Thank you also to IB for testing!) wink


Proud Lord of the Rings Kinship Leader
Protectors of the Golden Flame
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Title: Official Lifestone Polisher
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Subject: CraftBot 1.0.2629.8 Released!
I have discovered another reproducable bug with the bot keeping items:

Upon successful crafting, the person opens the trade window with the bot, but if they push the trade button TWICE FAST (accidentally double clicks the trade button), the item never gets traded and is kept by the bot. We tested this bug after a person had this happen to them (luckily the person said they may have messed up by accidentally clicking the trade button twice), and were able to get it to reproduce.

Sorry for finding bugs, but hopefully it helps others in the long run! happy

Thanks again Paraduck! happy


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Title: AC Vault Staff
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Subject: CraftBot 1.0.2629.8 Released!
also another bug (posting here as a reminder incase dirk didnt post on the craftbot forums already)

If you check the % on a craft, then clear the window(not closing it) the bot doesn't close the window. If you try another check, the bot will steal the items.

moral of the story, if you wanna clear the window, just close it.


ImmortalBob, Axer Extraordinaire
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Title: quantum mechanic
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Subject: CraftBot 1.0.2629.8 Released!
OK, my time is pretty limited for the next couple of days, but I think I see the problem.

IB, I'll send you another PM in a minute. Schugeldson, I'll also send you the version if you want to test it. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to log in and do any sort of thorough test myself.

Changed the following:

- Moved the call to remove the items from the return list to when the trade ends.
- Also added a check here to ensure that the item is not in the inventory before removing. If it is, it won't remove.
- Reset Trade was checking the wrong variable, which in most situations doesn't make a difference. I've corrected this.


We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants. We see more and things that are more distant than they did,
not because our sight is superior or because we are taller than they, but because they raise us up and their
great stature adds to ours
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Title: Official Lifestone Polisher
Posts: 1,016
Registered: Mar 25, '02
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Real Post Cnt: 1,000
User ID: 661,202
Subject: CraftBot 1.0.2629.8 Released!
Thank you. happy


Proud Lord of the Rings Kinship Leader
Protectors of the Golden Flame
Meneldor server
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