Author Topic: Cast it question
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Registered: Dec 10, '06
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Subject: Cast it question
Im sorry if this was already asked, but I came up with nothing when i searched "cast-it". I just installed, and set up cast it as directed on the download page. (hopefully not missing something)

It's not buffing. Then the realization of a possibility. Does this program work with less then level 7 buffs? I'm attempting to use it with lvl 5s. Will it work with it. I click "buff me" and nothing happens. It knows my wand, it knows when to revit and what lvl ect. That would be my only possible mishap. If it can, is there possibly something i'm missing?



Guinevere du Avalon - Level 275 - Mage (War\MeleeD Spec)\2 Hour Buff Bot - TD
~* Explorer of Dereth *~
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Subject: Cast it question
Error messages are displayed in one of the chat windows other than the main, that could give you a hint as to the problem.

Make sure that you have learned the appropriate restam spells, and that any settable options are appropriate for that toon. It should work with lower level spells, but I don't test a lot in that environment.


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