Author Topic: Mob Tracker site now has Dungeon and Top Tracker stats!!! Join the hunt!
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Subject: Mob Tracker site now has Dungeon and Top Tracker stats!!! Join the hunt!
The Mob Tracker site now has lists of the top trackers per server* as well as a list of which mobs have been reported the most often and even a list of which dungeon you can find mobs in, sorted by reported frequency.

These files are updated every hour, so they are kept pretty current. Dungeons are being updated as I have time, but mapping dungeon ID to name is difficult and I might ask for some help on that.

Visit the site and check em out!


Please download and use the plugin if you havent already. It is very resource friendly and I can use all the data I can get, *especially* overland data for mainland Dereth.

There are 1.8 million unique mob/location pairs and 7.2 million total spawns reported for over 1500 mobs!

*You gain points for reporting new locations of existing mobs(even minor variation in location is sufficient and dungeons count), and big points for being the first to report a mob or a dungeon. The points are meaningless other than as bragging rights or just-because-its-cool, but I thought some people might enjoy the system.


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Subject: Mob Tracker site now has Dungeon and Top Tracker stats!!! Join the hunt!
I'm going to try this out. I'm hoping to have more luck finding Dark Infernos. praying

Thanks for the plugin!


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Subject: Mob Tracker site now has Dungeon and Top Tracker stats!!! Join the hunt!
Will this give you the ability to map spawn points on a dungeon map?


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Subject: Mob Tracker site now has Dungeon and Top Tracker stats!!! Join the hunt!
The location data I store is precise enough to tell within a few footsteps exactly where the mob was when it first 'appeared', but there are complications...

I only use 2D coords, so mapping dungeon spawns would be difficult even if I could tell the difference between a true spawn, a snap-back from off radar, and a regular create notification. Right now I cant.

In short, no, you can't tell exactly where a creature actually *spawns* in a dungeon(or overland), but its possible to map, in 2D only, the areas that they can and do occupy. Overlaid on a dungeon map would let you know the 'roaming range' of various creatures. For 'boss mobs' at the end of dungeons it would probably show their location pretty well. For the hoards of seething foes in an olthoi dungeon, it would be like filling the 2D dungeon map with red.

The dungeon data lets me fill in the one area I could not relate otherwise: the location of mobs that spawn only or partially in dungeons. The ingame map and the offline map viewer both clearly show the spawns overland, but until I started collecting dungeon data, I had no way to report which dungeons a mob spawned in. Now there is a continuously updated list on the site and the next version of mobtracker will display this ingame when a mob is selected from the dropdown. The list will become more and more accurate as more data points are gathered.


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