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Subject: Coming back to AC: What current plugins are the best replacements for these old ones?
I already loaded up Go Arrow to replace my old Oracle of Dereth, but what new plugins are the best / most popular replacements for these other old plugins I used to use all the time?

Bandit Sight 2 (I found Alinco but wasn't sure if that was my best or only option)
Sapphire (something to self-buff)



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Subject: Coming back to AC: What current plugins are the best replacements for these old ones?
Alinco will Loot, Buff and Ust


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Subject: Coming back to AC: What current plugins are the best replacements for these old ones?
Also Find It! for finding, looting, usting. Cast It! for buffing, smart-casting. Sort It! for inventory maintenance and shortcut commands.


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Subject: Coming back to AC: What current plugins are the best replacements for these old ones?
I use:

Find It! (Bandit Sight replacement)
Buffme (Self/other buff plugin)
AgentZ (For filters, shortcuts, HUDs)


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Subject: Coming back to AC: What current plugins are the best replacements for these old ones?
I tried BuffMe and it crashed on my system.

I'll give the FindIt/CastIt combo a try and see if I like them better than Alinco.

So far Alinco is working OK, but I either haven't figured out the loot rules, or it just isn't as flexible as BS/2 used to be.

Also, I kinda miss having a clickable list of corpses that need looted. I found Alinco's corpse HUD, but they don't appear to be clickable so it's not much good when you have 10 critter corpses on top of each other.

Thanks for all the feedback


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Subject: Coming back to AC: What current plugins are the best replacements for these old ones?
AC Client now has the ability to assign a keyboard key to open next unopened corpse.

As for Buffme crashing your system, post a Decal Export. Most likely you're missing something.


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Subject: Coming back to AC: What current plugins are the best replacements for these old ones?
Thanks for the tip on that new key shortcut Logan.

As for the crash, I've got limited video memory (32 meg) and any decal plugin crashes me if I'm not careful about where I open it, however BuffMe was crashing all the time so I just figured it used a bit too much vid ram for my computer.


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Subject: Coming back to AC: What current plugins are the best replacements for these old ones?
Only having 32 megs of video ram will do that. Decal Devs recommend at least 128 megs for running Decal.


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Subject: Coming back to AC: What current plugins are the best replacements for these old ones?
Yes and sadly I have a laptop so I can't upgrade it.

There doesn't seem to be any pattern to what crashes it either. I can be standing in the same spot, facing the same direction, with my texture detail all the way down, res the same, etc and I can click the same button the same plugin and crash sometimes, sometimes not.

For now, until I get a different computer to play on, or until Decal requires less vid ram, I just make sure I'm in a safe place before touching any of the plugins. More often than not it will crash me.


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Subject: Coming back to AC: What current plugins are the best replacements for these old ones?
I'm looking for the same thing.

I am looking for various plug-ins that will give me stats about my hunting (XP per hour, number killed, etc)... and I am looking also for a directory of sorts, and I don't know if there is still a Media Player (MP3) for Decal.

I totally forget the name of the old plug-ins, they might be somewhere on the old computer, but well. lol.

The XP one I am really looking for, I like to know how much I am making per hour in the fellows.


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Subject: Coming back to AC: What current plugins are the best replacements for these old ones?
Fuzz, I ended up choosing Alinco for finding stuff, usting, self bufing, and xp/timer huds. I still crash occasionally as mentioned above but that's my computer's fault.

Go Arrow seemed like the best route finding tool, but it crashes me too often for me to use it so I finally stopped using it. Once I get my new laptop, I'll be turning it back on.


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Subject: Coming back to AC: What current plugins are the best replacements for these old ones?


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Subject: Coming back to AC: What current plugins are the best replacements for these old ones?
Depending on which type of character I am playing, I tend to mix them up:

Go Arrow
Mob Tracker


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Subject: Coming back to AC: What current plugins are the best replacements for these old ones?


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