Author Topic: BuffMe annoyance - duplicate kill messages
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Subject: BuffMe annoyance - duplicate kill messages
How can I make BuffMe v0.1.8.2 stop adding duplicate kill messages?

I kill something.
Chat shows "You killed something"
BuffMe adds another line, "You killed something for xxx experience"

Very annoying


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Subject: BuffMe annoyance - duplicate kill messages
One of those of those messages is coming from the actual AC software. This is the message without the experience points.

The other message is coming from the plugin. There probably chat message filtering in Buff Me. So I think you are going to have to add a filtering plugin in and filter out the AC message. Or you can use the built in message filtering of the AC software and turn off the AC message. The built in message filtering is on the brute force side. It will probably take out all the damage reports too.

Finally you could send all of this garbage to another chat window. Minimize or reduce the secondary chat window so that it does not annoy you.


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Subject: BuffMe annoyance - duplicate kill messages
When I disable BuffMe, the "You killed something for xxx experience" message goes away. There is no option that I can find to disable it.


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Subject: BuffMe annoyance - duplicate kill messages
_Rascal_ posted:
When I disable BuffMe, the "You killed something for xxx experience" message goes away. There is no option that I can find to disable it.

There is no way to disable this message. You have the disable the message without the experience points either by:
1) Turning it off with the build in Turbine commands inside the client.
2) Or using a chat filter plugin. Not sure what plugin would give you the control that you need.


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Title: ACVault Staff
Lingie Bunny

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Subject: BuffMe annoyance - duplicate kill messages
I'm pretty sure that this is not BuffMe doing this.

It is most likely AgentZ, or Alinco, or another plug-in you're running.

Both AgentZ and Alinco have options to turn off those messages.


rose Ling Mei - Veteran Swordswoman
rose Lingie - Abu's Health-Addicted Support Mage
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Subject: BuffMe annoyance - duplicate kill messages
I've verified that with everything turned off except BuffMe, it adds "for xxx experience" to kill messages.

edit: from BuffMe version history,

" ... * Re-Added the XP report at the end of kill messages "


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Title: ACVault Staff
Lingie Bunny

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Subject: BuffMe annoyance - duplicate kill messages
Ahh, well, AgentZ can block it for you, I run both, and only get one kill message. happy

Only other thing to do is request that Freod add in the option to disable that message.


rose Ling Mei - Veteran Swordswoman
rose Lingie - Abu's Health-Addicted Support Mage
Directionally Impaired in AC since 1999
The sun itself sees not 'till heaven clears.
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Subject: BuffMe annoyance - duplicate kill messages
I would try to contact Freod, but I don't have any contact info. The forum link on the website is gone and I don't know his board name.


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