Author Topic: Corpse Tracker and Squire udpated for Decal Alpha 8
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Subject: Corpse Tracker and Squire udpated for Decal Alpha 8
Squire's got a minor bug fix for runed weapons as well.

Corpse Tracker's got some new stuff- it'll now put your own kills in white in the list, and any other corpses in yellow. Optionally, it will ONLY include your kills.
Also, any corpses that generated a rare will have a * in front of the name, to allow you to quickly select it.
And finally, it now puts corpses on the radar, as a small cross in the same color as the arrows. You need to download and install my new Radar add-on plugin for this to work. At the moment, Corpse Tracker depends on it being there, even if you don't plan on using it, but I'm hoping to fix that in a future release. It doesn't do any harm sitting there idle though, so it's not a huge problem.

Fortune Hunter and A.K.A haven't been updated, I don't think they need it, although if anyone has any problems with them, let me know. A quick test seemed to work fine, but testing a gambling plugin thoroughly gets expensive!

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Subject: Corpse Tracker and Squire udpated for Decal Alpha 8
Those are some great updates, thanks happy

I really like that my kills will show up as a different color. Does it also have a seperate color available for fellowship kills?


Kalieth - UA
Zazaam - Mage
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Subject: Corpse Tracker and Squire udpated for Decal Alpha 8
I dont see the arrow in the radar section. can you show a screenshot of what it is supposed to look like. my doesnt seem to be working.


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Subject: Corpse Tracker and Squire udpated for Decal Alpha 8
Make sure you're running Radar Add-on as well, and on the Corpse Tracker options, make sure 'Use Radar' is checked. Finally, check the color- the blip on the radar uses the same color as the arrow, if it's black, or has the alpha set to 0, it won't show up.


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Subject: Corpse Tracker and Squire udpated for Decal Alpha 8
Both of these are great. Thanks. Now for the bad news. I must use a different resulution than you do. My x's for the corspes on the radar, show up to the left. I'm at work at the moment so I can't tell you exactly what I use. But it is towards the high end. Again Great job on both.


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Subject: Corpse Tracker and Squire udpated for Decal Alpha 8
That's odd, that shouldn't make a difference, it uses whatever resolution you're using. Can you post (or PM me) an export, and I'll have a look.


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Subject: Corpse Tracker and Squire udpated for Decal Alpha 8
The Radar Add-On does works only in the stretch UI mode. Seems the plugin author did not realize everyone doesnt use stretch UI. Great Plugin would be nice to use in both modes.


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Subject: Corpse Tracker and Squire udpated for Decal Alpha 8
Actually, I did think about stretch UI, but I forgot about it when I released it. To be honest, I didn't account for it, because
a) I honestly didn't think many people if any played without it switched on, and
b) Without stretch UI on, the radar could be in the 3d area, or to the right of it, depending on whether or not you've got any panels open. When I first developed it, I couldn't find a way of reliably determining where the radar was.
I think I might have figured out a way of handling it now, I'll have a look and see what I can do.
Meanwhile, the radar should position correctly if you don't have any side-panels open.

EDIT: Yeah, that was fairly straight forward. V1.0.0.2's on my site now, which should place the radar correctly whether or not you're using stretch UI. There is NO benefit to upgrading if you do use it, but anyone who doesn't will need this update.


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Subject: Corpse Tracker and Squire udpated for Decal Alpha 8
I downloaded the new update, works Awesome thank you happy


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