Author Topic: Will Find It be updated for Decal Alpha 8? Thanks! <nt>
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Subject: Will Find It be updated for Decal Alpha 8? Thanks! <nt>
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Title: ACVault Staff
Lingie Bunny

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Subject: Will Find It be updated for Decal Alpha 8? Thanks! <nt>
Find It! works just fine for me with Decal 8. Not a single issue I've seen.

The plug-ins that seem to be needing updates are those that have anything to do with casting, or spellcasting timers, etc. (i.e. AgentZ shows debuffs as lasting only 1 minute now, but everything else works fine).

As for the "It!" plug-ins, all but Einstein seem to be working fine.


rose Ling Mei - Veteran Swordswoman
rose Lingie - Abu's Health-Addicted Support Mage
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