Author Topic: Is there a working buffing program that uses a casting stein availble?
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Subject: Is there a working buffing program that uses a casting stein availble?
For my no life sword toon...that's one of the big things I miss about eltank



Niarlan, Original Gimp Sword guy
Harcourt F Mudd, ex-Og ex-Life now Tank Archer !!
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Subject: Is there a working buffing program that uses a casting stein availble?
Bump back up for attention, sooo....folks are reading this but nobody has an answer I guess. How about adding the functionality into lifetank or allinco. I'm sure I'm not the only melee toon that has critter and item but no life.



Niarlan, Original Gimp Sword guy
Harcourt F Mudd, ex-Og ex-Life now Tank Archer !!
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Subject: Is there a working buffing program that uses a casting stein availble?
Tag - would be nice to see lifetank fully functional for no life toons, as well as 3-school non-mages


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Subject: Is there a working buffing program that uses a casting stein availble?
QuickBuff with use Elysa's orb when it is released, though i currently have no plans to integrate the Stein.


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Subject: Is there a working buffing program that uses a casting stein availble?


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Subject: Is there a working buffing program that uses a casting stein availble?
yup my axer doesnt have life neither


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Subject: Is there a working buffing program that uses a casting stein availble?
Bumpity bump...back to square one for you


Niarlan, Original Gimp Sword guy
Harcourt F Mudd, ex-Og ex-Life now Tank Archer !!
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Subject: Is there a working buffing program that uses a casting stein availble?
I have cooking on Yaroz, and use mana rations fine. Though I have to make a new batch about every two or three buffs cause he eats them like they're going out of style.


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Subject: Is there a working buffing program that uses a casting stein availble?
Distilled mana potions are the ticket.

If you want to be able to carry more mana in food, Hearty Mana Hot Kimchi is best in game, however it takes a little longer as you have to eat more of them.


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Subject: Is there a working buffing program that uses a casting stein availble?
I thought green tea ice cream had a bit better pts restored to bu ratio, I could be wrong though.


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Subject: Is there a working buffing program that uses a casting stein availble?
>> I thought green tea ice cream had a bit better pts restored to bu ratio, I could be wrong though.

I thought so, too. I used to carry tons of green tea ice cream.


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Subject: Is there a working buffing program that uses a casting stein availble?
Green tea Ice Cream is second best I believe (by just a little bit) and restores more per bite. One sec (checking maggies to validate my memory)...

HM Hot Kimchi burden/restore = 25/38 or .65
HM Green Tea Ice cream burden/restore = 40/55 or .72
Distilled mana potion: 150/120 or 1.25
Mana rations: 90/70 or 1.28

Another way to look at this, to restore 2090 mana takes:
2090/38 or 55 Kimchis with a total burden of 55*27 or 1485 burden units
2090/55 or 38 Ice creams with a total burden of 38*40 or 1520 burden units
2090/120 or 17.4 Distilled potions with a burden of 17.4*150 or 2610 burden units
2090/70 or 29.9 Mana rations with a burden of 29.9*90 or 2691 burden units

Hot Kimchi has the best ratio, but does not restore as much per byte. Distilled potions are better than rations, but are a quest item so not as easy to get.

It is easier to make kimchi than ice cream as all the food ingredients are available over the counter in Baishi and doesn't require any long runs to find magic Iceballs.

For automated buffing, if I had cooking, I would always use Dried mana rations, making rations as needed.

Without cooking I would carry Hot Kimchi if burden is an issue. If it isn't I'd carry distilled mana potions or Mana rations. I wouldn't carry Ice Cream because it is not as good as Kimchi (restore per bite doesn't matter when automated) and it is much more difficult to make.


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Subject: Is there a working buffing program that uses a casting stein availble?
I have cooking on my sword guy, and use elaberate rations for stam. But lifetank doesn't seem to like rations for recharging, and without life I can't seem to get Allinco to buff him. I know I'm a bit dense but I don't see any pluging that has buffing that like a char that has no life.

The stein let me just keep stam rations around instead of both mana rations and stam...eltank did a good job of using it in the buff cycle and recharging stam with the rations.

Still on my quest to find something melee friendly...



Niarlan, Original Gimp Sword guy
Harcourt F Mudd, ex-Og ex-Life now Tank Archer !!
Jaelithe Treegarth, Loyal Mage Gal
Har al-Nair, Maxed Spec Armor, Weapon and MIT Tinker, spec Item Tink
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Subject: Is there a working buffing program that uses a casting stein availble?
Ok...any buffing program that uses mana rations out there?...still looking. Looked at Robobuff, Buffme, Alinco, and LTx...still no luck.



Niarlan, Original Gimp Sword guy
Harcourt F Mudd, ex-Og ex-Life now Tank Archer !!
Jaelithe Treegarth, Loyal Mage Gal
Har al-Nair, Maxed Spec Armor, Weapon and MIT Tinker, spec Item Tink
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