Author Topic: Lifetank and Muti Weapon buffing
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Subject: Lifetank and Muti Weapon buffing
Please add this to Lifetank, I know its in the works for next version, its the only thing that I feel LT needs right now to be fully Functional for me wink



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Title: Poppy's Plaything
Posts: 8,820
Registered: May 4, '03
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Subject: Lifetank and Muti Weapon buffing
Unfortunately, IRL time restrictions are preventing us from working much on the plugin. Replex and Para can speak for themselves, but between work and school... this is the worst time of year for me as far as free time is concerned.

It is something we want in the plugin yes, but when it will happen no one can promise.



Don't blink, Don't even blink
Blink and you're dead
They are fast, faster than you can believe
Don't turn your back, don't look away
and don't blink.
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