Author Topic: Lifetank not finding *one* wand, finds others?
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Subject: Lifetank not finding *one* wand, finds others?
Ruby Blunt Sceptre is the problem, finds all my other wands without a problem.

Any idea why this might be?



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Subject: Lifetank not finding *one* wand, finds others?
nevermind, restarted AC and decal and it works =)


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Title: quantum mechanic
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Subject: Lifetank not finding *one* wand, finds others?
Yeah, that's usually what you need to do. I've noticed some other item-finding issues with the Darkside Filter myself, but was never able to narrow down the problem. The filter really isn't necessary anymore -- I did some preliminary investigation into changing LT to use the standard Decal filters and it's possible, but we never got around to doing it. Maybe C'relic and Replex can chime in if they're still planning to do this.


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